In recent years, the public, which is still able to think, has sounded the alarm, noting the phenomenon of so-called "clip thinking" and its consequences for the individual now and for society as a whole in the near future. Just look at some of the headlines in the media and on the relevant sites on the Internet: "Information - the strongest drug of the last decade," "James Martin: the trends that we are seeing may threaten the human mind ...", "clip thinking - what is it is it? "" Clip thinking is not a contemplative thinking. It reflects the state of the world "," Unified State Exam: formation of the person with the primitive consciousness, "" Dangerous clip thinking "," With regard to the pixel of thinking "," Caution! Clip thinking "," Clip thinking leads to illiteracy "," Do not read. Who is to blame and what to do? "," Knowledge in the Age of the Internet, television, newspapers and talk ... "
In connection with the computerization of education, which is now seen as a panacea, there are risks of loss of creative cultural-generating ability of generations. It is inevitable, if the user computer skills (which create the illusion of access to cognitive actions) are not accompanied by a logical comprehension, operationalization, the theoretical mastery of subject areas of academic disciplines, the broad cultural associative perception and understanding of the processes of life, live communication with the teacher and peers.
Under the influence of computer technology it was created a special type of thinking, "clip" consciousness, which thanks to the media and the development of avalanche dynamics and aggressive marketing of the Internet, an emergency pace becomes widespread. The number of people with "clip" (fragmentary, mosaic, pixel, collage, kaleidoscopic) thinking quickly increases and approaches the critical point after which irreversible changes begin in the minds of other people and society as a whole.
Clip thinking leads to: mass syndrome attention deficit disorder; loss of desire of new knowledge; destruction needs and abilities to be creative, helped by the constant use of secondary-level information processing and combination. It leads as well to chaos in the desires and actions; discrepancies mindset lifestyle; inconsistency in decision-making to address the challenges of life and even a purely weakening responsibility for their consequences. It means that one can operate only by the content of fixed length, inability to work with semiotic structures of arbitrary complexity and focus on any information for a long time; reduced ability to analyze and synthesize. There is also "Virtual Addiction" and internet addiction, according to the search for information, communication networks and other human activities in the information space of the web; anti-intellectualism and plagiarism; mass illiteracy and the phenomenon of young people enthusiastic about their arrogant ignorance. They are absolute certain that they are right, because the people who represent the anti-intellectualism, are not aware of the problem; disparities between formal and actual level of knowledge; sharp decrease in the coefficient of learning and actual performance; falsification of evaluation.
Clip consciousness involves the almost complete absence of rational bases and clear logic; forming a kaleidoscope, mosaic and fragmented perceptions and experiences; violations and the absence of any rules and dogmas. The absurd becomes the "logic" of clip thinking. Making the world a picture from pieces of elemental content, reaching a maximum simplicity while minimizing the volume marks clip thinking mode of short, intense images, fragmentary and temporary modular outbreaks of information (perhaps pragmatically focused), creates a new imagery in a quaint, condensed, non-linked form, defies any categorization. This mental model of modern reality - time short phrases and thoughts.
In connection with the above is an urgent need to analyze the impact of new information technologies on the formation of the individual and society, including through the prism of ideological change.