Oleksii Kahliak. There is work for... diamonds

How are ideas for developing a new technology and tool born? This question arises when you get acquainted with the materials of fundamental and applied research, which are carried out simultaneously with the educational process on the basis of two departments of the Educational and Research Institute of Materials Science and Welding named after E.O. Paton ( Institute of IMZ) of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute - the Department of Physical Materials Science and Heat Treatment (FMTO) and the Department of Laser Engineering and Physical and Technical Technologies (LTFT).

Sikorsky Challenge 2024 festival: events, projects, geography

The traditional All-Ukrainian Festival of Innovative Projects “Sikorsky Challenge”, which takes place every fall at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, has recently seemed to grow up: for several years in a row, it has been getting rid of unnecessary pathos and ceremonies not quite

Forum of Mechanical Engineers 2024

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute once again becomes a center of scientific innovations and advanced technologies in mechanical engineering and aviation, organizing large-scale engineering forums, such as the Forum of Mechanical Engineers, an annual event organized by the Educational and S

Young lecturer and researcher from the PBF Oleksandr Muravyov

The list of winners of the university competition ‘Young Lecturer-Researcher’ is updated with new names every year. Based on the results of his work in 2023, the list includes Oleksandr Muravyov, Associate Professor of the Department of Automation and Non-Destructive Testing Systems (ANTS).  

The history of Ukrainian space recorders

“Dedicated to professionals and their grandchildren who will be able to become professionals”. This was the slogan of a roundtable discussion held at the Borys Paton State Polytechnic Museum as part of World Space Week on October 10, 2024. 

Scholarships of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists 2024

By the Resolution of the Presidium of the Committee on the Borys Paton National Prize of Ukraine dated 05 November 2024 No. 6, 229 scholarships of the President of Ukraine for young scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 276 scholarships of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for young scientists were awarded and the payment of scholarships to young scientists who have successfully passed the certification was continued..

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