Congratulations to the first pro-rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, to the academician of NAS Ukraine Yurii Yakymenko with an assignment the Order of the Academic palms of officer. The decision was made by the Department of national education of France.

This high reward is a testimony of high professionalism and France recognition in ukrainian-french cooperation in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

For reference: The Order of the Academic palms (L'Ordre of des of Palmes of аcadеmiques) was founded by an emperor Napoleon I in 1808. This order is handed to the members of teaching and scientific association and people that actively assist strengthening of cultural connections between France and their home countries. The list of awarded is approved personally by the prime minister of France. The order has three degrees: awarded get the rank of shevalye, officer or commander. The first officer of Оrder of the Academic palms in Ukraine became Yurii Yakymenko.

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