This semester Kirill Sokolov, master of the Department of Radio Reception and Signal Processing of RTF, was awarded with a scholarship from the President of Ukraine. This is one of the highest awards for students of Higher Educational Institutions.

Kirill has been studying at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute since 2014. From the first year of education he was successful in his studying; he was highly interested in gaining new knowledge and consistently was one of the first students at the league table. The main scientific topic that the student is interested in is radio monitoring, which today is included in the list of issues of strategic importance for the country. It was on this subject that K. Sokolov defended his thesis (V.A. Druzhinin, a Doctor of Science and professor of the Department of Radio Reception and Signal Processing, was his Academic Adviser). Kirill continues working on a Master's thesis and has professional publications.

Кирило Соколов

Kirill is interested in not only his specialty. Humanitarian and social problems also attract student's attention.  For example, he devoted his speech at the All-Ukrainian conference «Globalization of industrial capacity-building in the post-industrial transformation» (2017) to the study of the phenomenon of "economic miracle" with the aim of directing the corresponding processes to the economic component of our state. Kirill also has publications related to labor protection issues. He is also interested in some philosophical issues, to which he paid attention to during the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Postgraduates «Days of Science of the Faculty of Sociology and Law». He also performed at conferences on sociology, where he demonstrated a clear citizenship and desire to contribute to solving vital social problems. K. Sokolov also successfully defends the honor of the university and the faculty at different Olympiads.

Today Kirill is an inseparable member of the RTF team; he is sociable, friendly with colleagues and has good relations with teachers. In addition, he is a creative, gifted person. Kirill participates in the «RTF Creative Studio» as a member of Student Council; he helped in preparing the Faculty Day, conducting the Battle of the Faculties, festivities in the dormitory as well as at the faculty. After graduating from the military department of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute he was awarded with a diploma for his active position. Kirill has a good sense of humor, perfect ingenuity and he can work effectively in any, even harsh, circumstances. 

Kirill Sokolov does not stop working and constantly tries to improve himself. His motto is: «If you want to change the world, start with yourself». He believes that people learn best from their own experience, following the examples from their surroundings.

Natalia Lashchevska, Assistant Professor, RTF