Phone: 38 044 204 94 46,
The main direction of scientific research of the department is the geometrical modeling of objects, phenomena and technological processes within the framework of the scientific specialty 05.01.01 "Applied geometry, engineering graphics".
Teachers and graduate students of the Department take part in many international conferences on applied geometry, including in the 10th World Conference on Geometry and Graphics.
Teachers of the Department published more than 1200 scientific works.
The department has prepared 15 doctors of technical sciences: Pavlov AV (1966), Korabelsky VI (1987), Nadolnyny V.O. (1989), Badayev Yu.I. (1991), Gumen MS (1992), Gribov S.М. (1995), Vanin V.V. (1996), Martin E.V. (2000), Vlasyuk G.G. (2000) Doroshenko Yu.O. (2002), Yurchuk V.P. (2002), Shepel V.P. (2004), Vetokhin V.I. (2010), Vyrchenko G.A. (2011), Gumen O. M. (2011) and more than 45 candidates of sciences.
The Department of Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics considers the main goal of teaching engineering and graphic disciplines, instilling students skills:
- geometric modeling of technical objects and their parametrization;
- construction of typical elements of technical objects.
The volume of disciplines taught by the department is constantly expanding:
In 1968 a new discipline "Fundamentals of Artistic Design (Technical Design)" was introduced at the senior courses of six faculties of design.
since 1991 the courses of computer graphics are taught by the department in almost all faculties of the KPI, and since 1992 the department is called "Department of Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics".
since 1996 our faculty is a part of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, and, in addition to the traditional disciplines for the department, our teachers read the following courses for the students of the faculty:
Informatics (founder of the cycle Prof. S. Gribov),
differential geometry and topology (associate professor Zalevsky V. Y.),
methodology of informatics teaching (Associate Professor Gnitskaya G.O.)
methodology of teaching computer design (assistant professor Gnitsetskaya T.V.).
Department of Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics
provides training for graduate and doctoral students in the following specialties:
- 131 "Applied Mechanics"
- 122 "Computer Science"
Entrants to graduate school in 2020 are offered the following areas of research:
- Geometric models of nonlinear dynamics
- Structural and parametric geometric modeling of technical objects
- Geometric modeling of multiparameter problems in engineering
- Modeling and construction of agricultural implements