Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute on the Song Front

The anthem of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen "Oh, the red viburnum in the meadow" performed by the concertmasters of the National Bandurist Capella of the Cultural Arts Center of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Kateryna Mozgova and Olena Mozgova.

🇺🇦 Victory is in sight!

Students Were Taught to Save Lives

On April 29, a student space Belka hosted another training in premedical care with the participation of Hanna Mayboroda, a trainer from MED.PATRIOT crisis center for civil and military medicine.

Humanitarian Aid for Bucha and Irpin

Kyiv Polytechnicians handed over humanitarian aid to residents of Bucha and Irpin. This is the third trip after the liberation of cities from russian occupiers.

Volunteers note that Irpin and Bucha are in dire need of medicines and food.

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