Project to help children

Our university is working on an important project to introduce CAD/CAM technologies in orthopedics and rehabilitation engineering to help children affected by the military conflict.

Memorandum with Oppenheimer Acceleration LLC

🇺🇦🇺🇸 Startup projects and innovations of Kyiv Polytechnic will now be supported by the Ukrainian-American venture fund Oppenheimer Acceleration LLC, based in Silicon Valley!

🎥 Creative and competent engineers to meet the demands of the modern labour market. Project ‘Renovation of education in the field of aircraft construction’

The Educational and Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (Institute of MMI) of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has successfully completed participation in the project ‘Renovation of Education in the field of aircraft construction’ (uCAREER) and showed high results in creating innovative, employer-oriented, certified educational programmes for the training of creative and competent graduate engineers to meet the requirements of the labour market.

🎥 Seminar on national security and defence in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

What security challenges await Ukraine in the future, relations between Ukraine and NATO and how the American experience can help Ukraine win this war - a number of topical issues were discussed by representatives of the Defence Forces and world and Ukrainian scientific institutions at the seminar ‘Strategic level of national security and defence’, which was held for the second time in Kyiv Polytechnic.

American generals in KPI

Within the framework of the international forum “Ecology and Peace”, Major General William Mullen and Lieutenant General John Jensen of the US Marine Corps visited Kyiv Polytechnic.

KPI team won the Space Heroes CTF 2024

HeroCTF is an annual online cybersecurity competition. The team of dcua of the Educational and Research Laboratory "Technical Information Security" of the Institute of FTI KPI took first place.

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