KPI students won the CSC 55 hackathon

The annual hackathon CSC 55 - Computer Science and Cybernetics - is held by the Faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and the NGO Hackathon Expert Group with the support of GlobalLogic, Revenue Grid, MiddleWare Europe.

KPI team won the Space Heroes CTF 2024

HeroCTF is an annual online cybersecurity competition. The team of dcua of the Educational and Research Laboratory "Technical Information Security" of the Institute of FTI KPI took first place.

ISZZI teachers master NATO cyber defense techniques

Representatives of the ISZZI faculty took part in the testing of the NATO cyber range.

The training was focused on countering real cyber attacks. Participants chose attack scenarios and were tested on a specialized system.

Cyber Security Is of Vital Importance

Undoubtedly, cyber security is extremely important today, because victory is not only earned by courage, but also by technology in the current war, as the strides of the Armed Forces show. And information processing methods are gaining importance among other things.

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