Open University Student Olympiad in Sociology

 On June 10, 2021, the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Sociology and Law of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” held Open University Student Olympiad in Sociology.

Winners of the Kyiv Mayor's Award

Every year, on Youth Day, the City Hall awards 50 prizes of UAH 10,000 each to the talented youth of the capital of Ukraine for the development of the hero city of Kyiv. They are awarded to citizens of Ukraine and residents of Kyiv aged 14 to 35.

Girls go for energy

У цьому семестрі стипендії ім. І.Курчатова, якими відмічають успіхи кращих студентів ТЕФ, отримують дві чарівні магістрантки. Наводимо розповіді про них.

Programmers Speak Weird Code Languages

It is nice to communicate with our students: open, positive, and with a good sense of humor. When I arranged a meeting with a FPM sophomore Andrii Lanovenko, I did not even suspect what a cheerful firework awaits me.

A student worthy of his mentor. Win in the competition

According to the results of the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the speciality "Applied Mechanics (Mechanical Engineering Technologies)" in 2021, the first degree diploma was awarded to a student of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technolog

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