4.5. The independent work of the applicant is the main means of mastering the educational material in his free time and includes: elaboration of educational material, preparation for lectures and other types of educational classes, completion of individual tasks, preparation of qualification work, research work, etc.

4.6. The study time devoted to the independent work of the full-time student is regulated by the curriculum and is usually 50% of the total study time devoted to the study of a particular discipline.

4.7. The content of independent work in each discipline (educational component) is determined by the relevant work program.

4.8. The University provides opportunities for applicants to work independently in the Denysenko scientific and technical library, classrooms, laboratories, computer classes of the University and more.

4.9. For the organization of independent work obtained with the use of complex equipment, installations, information systems (computer databases, computer-aided design systems, automated training systems, etc.) the necessary advice or assistance is provided by employees of the department, within their working hours.

4.10. The educational material provided by the working program of the academic discipline (educational component) for mastering by the applicant in the process of independent work is submitted for final control together with the educational material studied during the educational (auditorium) classes.

4.11. The course project, as a separate educational component, is a creative individual task, the end result of which is the development of a new or improvement of an existing device, equipment, process, mechanism, hardware and software, etc. The course project contains a calculation and explanatory note, drawings and other materials, which are determined by the task of course design. The course project is performed by the applicant independently under the guidance of a researcher for a specified period in one semester in accordance with the terms of reference based on knowledge and skills acquired in one or more disciplines, as well as materials of industrial enterprises and research institutions, patents, copyright certificates. etc.

4.12. The course work, as a separate educational component, involves conducting research with recording its results in a separate document or developing a set of documents (calculation-explanatory or explanatory note, if necessary - graphic, illustrative material), and is a creative or reproductive solution to a specific problem. objects of activity of the specialist (devices, equipment, technological processes, mechanisms, hardware and software, or their separate parts; economic, social, linguistic problems, etc.), executed by the applicant independently under the guidance of the scientific and pedagogical worker according to the task or several disciplines of knowledge and skills.

4.13. Course projects contribute to the expansion and deepening of theoretical knowledge, gaining experience in their practical use, independent solution of specific problems. Topics of course projects, term papers are annually reviewed, updated and approved at meetings of departments.

4.14. No more than one course project or course work is planned in one semester. The condition for planning course projects / course works is
availability of practical classes in the relevant discipline in the amount of at least four ECTS credits.

4.15. The applicant is planned to complete one ECTS credit of independent work, one or two ECTS credits of independent work for the course work, and two or three ECTS credits of independent work for the interdisciplinary work/project (depending on the nature of the educational tasks).