Seminar of KPI students in Lubycza Korolivska

The traditional seminar "Polish-Ukrainian Economic Cooperation", organized by the Section of KPI students in Poland, was held on May 26-28 in Lubycza Królewska, not far from the Ukrainian border.

Cooperation of KPI with the Ukrainian Peace Council

Kyiv Polytechnic joined the Ukrainian Peace Formula. Representatives of KPI signed a multilateral agreement with the Ukrainian Peace Council, the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the heads of other leading universities.

Digest of the main news: 19.06.2023

📍The Ministry of Education and Science approved the maximum amount of state order for bachelors for Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute: 4 819 places, which is 3% more than last year. The number of state-funded master's places was also increased by 6%.

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