Mykola Soroka. Biographical story "One more spring". V part

... That day late autumn has rented first embroidered shirts from gardens and groves. Quietly let down maple leaves in the institutes park. Here and students there rake it off to drift and burned. Smoke stretched to the ground and air become permeated with the smell of strong sadness.

Homeland elektrobus: On the way to series

Round-table meeting was dedicated to the development of homeland electric transport which was organized May 25 at NTUU «KPI». Participants were presentedwith a elecrobus which was made by consortiums members "Elektrobus Ukraine" and improvement has been continuing till our days.

The KPI Talents – 2016

On 28th of April at the exposition hall of the campus building №7 was the closing of the 2nd part of creative competition “The KPI Talents” where the photography and computer-generated images were presented (nearly 350 artworks made by 55 participants).

At a meeting of the Academic Board: 16.05.2016

The main item on the agenda was the consideration of the results of XXI tour of integrated monitoring of the training quality. M. M. Perestyuk director of Educational Quality Monitoring was a keynote speaker.

Relax with the KPI!

As is already well known, on 11th of April 2016 the lounge area “KPIrelax” was officially opened in campus building №18.

This project was created by the team "KPIrelax" supported by well-known sponsors "Lays" and "Pepsi". So to say, made by students for the students.

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