At present Oksana Yaroslavivna Yurchyshyn is the assistant professor of the Department of Design of Machine Tools and Machines at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of NTUU “KPI”. But not so long ago, in 2003 she came to the Chair for post-graduate studying. So her accomplishments are partly the accomplishments of the chair – qualified, friendly and benevolent staff.

After having graduated from the post-graduate course Oksana Yaroslavivna became the corporate employee of the Chair. She worked as a junior research associate, an engineer, an assistant, a senior lecturer and an assistant professor. In 2008 she passed PhD defense and took a degree of Candidate of Engineering with a specialization in “Mechanical processing, machines and tools”. In her thesis work she laid the foundation of efficient methods of cutting machine dynamic systems research using random cycle processes. Currently this area of focus is developing. Also the area of the findings application while designing the cutting machines. The findings were published in 46 scientific works.

The Department of Design of Machine Tools and Machines trains specialists with a specialization in “Cutting machines and systems” and “Intellectual Property”, hence, the teaching and scientific work of Oksana Yaroslavivna is interwoven either with intellectual property or mechanical engineering. She has prepared and teaches such subjects: “Fundamentals of Heuristics”, “Intellectual Property”, “Cost Estimate of Rights on Objects of Intellectual Property”, gives laboratory practicals and computer classes on the courses “Automatic Control Theory”, “Fundamentals of Mathematical Simulation”, “Mathematical Simulation of Systems and Processes”. One of the areas of her pedagogical activity is computer resources support preparing for the subjects taught at the Department for post-graduate students. Oksana Yurchyshyn has developed computer practical course for the subjects “Special Technologies of Scientific Research”, “Mathematical Simulation in Field Theory”, “Statistical Dynamics of Machines”.

O.Y. Yurchyshyn takes active part in arrangements: she is the member of the organizing committee of the International conference “Advanced Technics and Technologies”, the member of Mechanical Engineer Union at NTUU “KPI”.

One of the calling cards of the Department of Design of Machine Tools and Machines is the inventive activity. Each year the lecturers of the Chair are patenting tens of inventions and utility models while teaching their students to do the same.

Oksana Yaroslavivna also became one of the inventors. She has already taken out 12 patents on inventions and utility models. She also teaches her second-year students to create something new and move forward at her “Fundamentals of Technical Creativity and Experimentation in Materials Science” classes.

So O. Yurchyshyn’s victory in the contest “Young teacher-researcher – 2010” was the merited appraisal of her professional level as the pedagogue and the scientist.

V.B. Strutynskiy, Head of the Department of Design of Machine Tools and Machines Стасюк Ірина ЛА-11