Rectors and vice-rectors of leading Ukrainian universities, MPs and members of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation gathered at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at a meeting of the NGO “Union of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine” to summarize the results of the 2024 admission campaign, discuss the state's educational policy, as well as how to motivate modern youth to stay in Ukraine.

🌊The meeting was attended by MPs of Ukraine, members of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education, Science and Innovation Yulia Hryshyna and Ivan Kyrylenko, Head of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance Andrii Butenko, Deputy Head of the National Qualifications Agency Hanna Reznik, Director General of the Directorate of Professional Pre-Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Oleh Sharov, Head of the Kyiv City Organization of the Trade Union of Education and Science of Ukraine Oleksandr Yatsun.

The meeting was opened by the chairman of the Union Petro Kulikov and given the floor to a representative of the 12th Special Forces Brigade “Azov” of the National Guard of Ukraine, who addressed the audience with a proposal to cooperate in the field of military-patriotic education of young people. The Chairman of the Union Petro Kulikov instructed to prepare a Memorandum of Cooperation and suggested that Oleksandr Yatsun coordinate the work.

The representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Oleh Sharov, spoke on the agenda item “On the results of the admission campaign to higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2024” and familiarized the audience with the stages and results of the admission campaign, as well as the peculiarities of the NMT this year. The participants also heard from members of the Verkhovna Rada Committee Yulia Hryshyna and Ivan Kyrylenko. Stanislav Nikolayenko, First Deputy Chairman of the Union, and rectors Viktor Greshta, Petro Talanchuk, and Oleksandr Azyukovsky took part in the discussion. As a result of the discussion, a decision was made to amend the Admission Rules for the next year in order to significantly improve them in order to support Ukrainian youth and prevent their outflow abroad.

🔖 The participants of the meeting congratulated the Rector of Kyiv Polytechnic Anatoliy Melnychenko on his membership in the Union.

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