Professor of mathematical analysis and probability theory FMF, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Nina Opanasivna Virchenko has been working at KPI for more than 40 years. She is a member of the Presidium of the AS Higher School of Ukraine, member of the Scientific Society n.a. Taras Shevchenko, Ukrainian, American, Australian, Belgian, Edinburgh, London Mathematical Societies, Honorary Professor of "KPI", Head of Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ukrainian Society of political prisoners and repressed. And also she is a wise person, whose opinions are always listened to. We present the excerpts from the book by Nina Opanasivna "The seeds of the roads of my life."

"While our Mothers are alive – We are children!" – someone has said, and I will add: "While children, grandchildren are alive, our parents live! As long as I live, you, my parents, will be in deep honor and respect! .. And after a long time too, because there are Marichka, Olenka, Mariyan... "

I can’t help wandering, admire Your, my Mommy, ethnicity, wisdom. How much humanity You had! You always radiated light of honesty, truthfulness, uncompromising and large, extraordinary sincerity, you really lived without "a grain of falsehood." Although at times it was not so easy ... But you never cheated on your own "I", never were you a "reflection" of others”. Reliance and stability, simplicity and dignity – these features were extremely expressed in You! You carries your good name high, You proudly took care of its reputation!

You loved gentle and beautiful people, loved to cultivate kindness. You aimed at inner self-improvement, (without the "beautiful phrases"), You were person of strong will, courageous, brave. And how tactful You were, full of emotional warmth and sincerity! God, You were unbelievable! ..You loved your children with all your heart and soul, infinitely, unspeakably! "Nina, learn .." Mother, mommy grant me with your wisdom and kindness, tenderness and severity.

You were my whole world, I verified my life with your help, often looked at myself, at my actions, at my daily life from the outside – I looked with Your eyes, so loving, so cordial, sincere and at the same time – so critical!

And how kind, how sincere You were with people! Truly from Shevchenko’s land! You loved people, understand the good and the bad with Your heart, You were fair, objective! Oh Lord, endow me with this feature too!

And how courageous You were! You could get out at night, hearing the neighbors knock, when someone was breaking into, You were not afraid of anyone and anything and could stand up for justice anytime and anywhere!

Mommy, You’re constantly inside me, and I am with You, we are forever fused with our souls, hearts and thoughts. Maybe, that’s why I have survived, I live, work, breathe! .. My formula have entwined with tears and blood!

* * *

The greatness of the holy soul and Your heart – everywhere! .. How kind, honest, how wise you are! Without any tricks or diplomacy! Simple, just like the truth! Sincere, like a real Human! You were so pure, so innocent, so nice always and everywhere! I bow unto You, pray for You! You are my heroine! Thank you! I’m proud of You! .. I want to be like you!

- For the good pay ten times more good!

- The heart once warmed with good won’t cool for ages…

 - Work, only work will make you people!

- Work to the end of days!

It’s the way You taught us, your children.

And how patient You were! All sorrows You hid very well for us not to know, not to see…You wasn’t surprised at our high marks ( "How else to study in such conditions?!As for me, I sat half a year in the first form, and when winter came, I hadn’t my own shoes – the only pair for us three – so I had to leave school, much later – technical school, then – medical school "). You wrote, perhaps, with mistakes, but in every letter there were a little sun, Your heart, purity, goodness, greatness, wisdom.

I noticed that when I take some collection of poetry, I look eagerly if there is the Mother, Motherland, and if there is – I’m happy, if not – it’s not poetry for me anymore! ..

* * *

I, so adult, so mature but just like a child, I want to be near my Mother! .. Oh Lord, no one can love as Mother loves her child! And this love is so sincere, so faithful, so great, so deep, so selfless, cordial, simple and eternal! .. And it’s blind, fanatical to self-oblivion, to self-denial! ..


 Mother should be glorified with the best, the greatest monument in the world, so that it would be visible from all places of the Earth.

Nina Virchenko