The exhibition devoted to descriptive geometry takes place in the hall of rare and valuable works in NTUU “KPI” STL. There are textbooks, lecture courses, problem books, albums with drawings published in the second half of XIX century – the first half of XX century.

A French scientist Gaspard Monge (1746 – 1818) was the first to develop a course for this science. In 1795, he published the book “Descriptive geometry” (Geometrie des­crip­tive) and since then the new scientific discipline started to developnot only in France, but in other countries as well.

Гаспар МонжIn Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, descriptive geometry was of compulsory subjects. “… Students of mechanical, engineering and chemical departments listen together to Theoretical mechanics during the first year. Descriptive geometry during the first year. Material resistance during the second year… Note: There is an easier exam program on material resistance approved for the chemical department; and they also have the number of works on descriptive geometry and drafting decreased…” (The Report on the state of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute of the Emperor Alexander II dated 1899).

Since the establishment of KPI I. Rekashev taught descriptive geometry for almost 20 years. He gifted many rare books to the institute library. They still are the adornment of our stock of rare and valuable works.

There is a textbook for technicians, mechanics, builders, students of commercial and secondary schools “Die projektionslehre: fur techniker, mecha­­niker und bauhand­werker insbefondere fur Gewerb und realschulen” (1865; in German) present at the exhibition. It is written by of the most famous Monge’s followers – Guido Schreiber (1799 – 1871), a lecturer at the Polytechnic Institute in Karlsruhe.

There is also an interesting work – the book “Elements of Projective Geometry” (1882, translated into German) by a famous Italian mathematician Luigi Cremona (1830 – 1903) who is considered to be one of the founders of graphical statics.

The exhibition presents and a treatise on descriptive geometry "Traite de geometrie descriptive" (1880-1891, in French) by Jules La Hurneri, who was an engineer, mathematician and mechanic, Monge’s follower at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris.

At the exhibition you can also find the works by M. Yu. Vaschenko-Zakharchenko, professor of the University of St. Vladimir, O.H.Reder (1809-1872), professor of St. Petersburg Institute of Communications, M.I.Makarov (1826-1904), V.I.Kurdyumov (1853-1904). Paton and S.P.Tymoshenko were V.I.Kurdyumov’s disciples. Our exhibition presents several books by V.I.Kurdyumov: "Isometric projection method with isometric squared paper application" (1885), "The course descriptive geometry. Part 1. Formation methods and geometric properties of curve lines and surfaces. Orthogonal projections. - Part 2. Curves and surfaces projections (1897) Part 3. Axonometry in rectangular and oblique projections or parallel perspective" (1904).

Also, the exhibition presents a collection of descriptive geometry problems created by M.O.Rynin (1877-1942) in 1923. He is the author of 9-volume Encyclopedia "Interplanetary communication" (1926-1932).

And another book with an interesting history: "Descriptive geometry. Part I. Plane Figures Elements" by Robert Hausner (1863-1948), the Russian edition of the series "Library Heshen." Sammlung Goschen – Library Goschen – series of popular science and educational literature in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, engineering, medicine and others, well known in Germany and Russia. The books of this library provide simplicity and clarity of teaching material, concision of text, so they were extremely popular among students in upper secondary schools, students and technicians.

So we offer teachers and students to visit the hall of rare and valuable books and see the unique book exhibition.

Maryna Miroshnychenko, The Head of rare and valuable books fund NTUU "KPI"

Гаспар МонжВ.І. КурдюмовВиставка, присвячена нарисній геометріїВиставка, присвячена нарисній геометрії 2Виставка, присвячена нарисній геометрії 3Виставка, присвячена нарисній геометрії 4