Kyiv National Technical University "KPI" can be proud of the fact that for the protection and preservation of the health of students it has its own clinic, located on the territory of compact students residence and  learning - on the street Yangel 16/2. The university has retained a dispensary for 200 places where each month during the year one can restore the health of students, and has a decent, at present, a sports complex with a multi-disciplinary sections.

Our polyclinic is small, with the necessary service units: clinical laboratory, X-ray room, study electrical physical procedures (ACS and EGD), rooms for examination of the heart and stomach, has the necessary specialized professionals: dentists, gynecologists, internists, ENT, surgery, dermatology, psychotherapist who work in accordance with the schedule. Mikhail Shamardak heads the polyclinic for a quarter of a century. The polyclinic is designed for the servicing about 25 thousand people. Therefore, each year in the autumn and spring are conducted comprehensive physical examinations of students I and III courses, clinical examination

What was supposed to fix the memory freshman and save it for 6 years?

Firstly, a large number of students served by the clinic, and in this connection - knowledge by heart schedule of its faculty therapist. For example, IASA, FEPEA, FASS, FCE are  served by the doctor Lyudmila Maryanovna Misetska and nurse Natalia Novikova. They work in 305-m office and receive in: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday - in II shift; Tuesday and Friday - in I shift, and so every week. This knowledge will save and organize your time.

Second, there is a medical card  with a personal number for each student (Form 025/0). This is my documentation, but personal medical card - yours and every person has to take care of it: a) conduct an annual chest X-ray; b) mandatory vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus in the completion of 18 years of child vaccination, which started with 3 months of age. Domestic production of vaccine, syringes, disposable - a separate room, where everything is stored and where revaccination; c) mandatory attendance at a comprehensive medical check-up on I and III courses. To date, five first-year students FCE and 5 students FASS ignored this law cooperation doctor - student. That is, 10 out of 716 first-year students were not on physical examination, 27 people took my records and keep it at home - it is a gross error, which you can imagine.

Thirdly, during the medical examination there are found the people with different chronic diseases: asthma, chronic holetsestit, congenital malformations of the heart, kidneys and others. According to the orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, such persons shall be subject to supervision of a doctor. They should undergone twice a year laboratory examination, once a year - the instrumental, the annual medical examination specialists to detect chronic diseases, such as carious teeth, bad condition of the tonsils, which are constantly poison the body with their toxins; when inflammation is treated, additional factors detrimental effects on the overlap, disappear.

Fourth, dear students, you should always keep in mind: you enter adulthood, you are independent in deciding what to eat, where buy food, the people I met, you can earn the same owner for the sale of cigarettes, beer, alcohol,  computer clubs and hookah? There are many temptation. A poor nutrition caused a group of diseases of intestinal infections. Clearly remember that diseases such as disorders of the stomach and intestines, smallpox, Chervinko (viral infection), angina are treated in the hospital, so contagious, and the doctor must isolate such student from the organized group. Called temptations have a common result: every secret eventually becomes clear, and I do not - nature cruelly avenges anyone who did not keep their body, your body , and encroached on the holy of holies - his health, his unique system of self-defense. So, love to smoking, alcohol, drugs, excessive love of sex eventually leads to the degradation of human destiny and breaks her family. AIDS, genital infections, including TORCH infections can lead to the birth of an unhealthy child, will not bring joy to future parents. Above this should be good to think about how they would not like to enter into the adult world first with a clean slate - the laws of nature, time flows forward.

I am for a healthy future. I'm for the healthy body. There are no hopeless situations, even in such a variety of the world with its good and evil do not be naive, work on yourself, and you and I will be fine.

L.M. Misetska, the faculty therapist IASA, FEPEA, FASS and FCE