We would like to remind you of the ban on smoking in educational institutions and the need to comply with fire safety regulations and the University's Internal Regulations.

1. In accordance with paragraph 5 of Section III of the Fire Safety Rules for Educational Institutions and Institutions of the Education System of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated 15.08.2016 No. 974, smoking is prohibited in the premises of institutions and institutions.

2. The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 08.11.2004 No. 855 "On the Prohibition of Tobacco Smoking in Educational Institutions and Facilities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and Approval of Measures for Conducting Anti-Nicotine Information, Education and Prevention Work among Children, Pupils and Students" prohibits smoking in the premises and on the territories of educational institutions and facilities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

3. According to clause 11.2.4 of the Rules of the Verkhovna Rada, it is prohibited to smoke in the premises and on the territory of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, including hookah, electronic cigarettes, etc.

Also, the provisions of clause 1.1 of the Rules of the Verkhovna Rada stipulate that labor and academic discipline at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is based on the conscious and conscientious performance by all employees and students of their labor and academic duties and is an essential condition for high quality work and study.

According to clause 1.3 of the Rules of the Academic Council, these Rules apply to all employees and students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

At the same time, in accordance with clause 13.1 of the SB Rules, for violation of labor discipline, an employee may be subject to one of the following penalties

- reprimand;
- dismissal.

Clause 13.12 of the Rules of the Supreme Council provides that for violation of these Rules, higher education students may be subject to public influence measures - a warning about the inadmissibility of violating these Rules or one of the following penalties

- reprimand;
- expulsion.

Fire Safety Department 204-95-97

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