Anatolii Petrenko is 80 years old!

Anatoliy Ivanovich was born on 3 November 1935 in the town Voitivka (Khmelnitsky region). In 1957 he graduated with honors from Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Electronic devices".

Shtogrina Olena Sergiyvna. Decisions about artificial intelligence

Scientific interests of the assistant to chair of the ITS information and telecommunication networks Olena Sergiyvna Shtogrin, the winner of the university competition "Young Teacher-researcher 2014" are that. Olena Sergiyvna - the pupil of the Kiev polyequipment. In 2007.

The accident in Baikonur

After finishing World War the Second the relations between USSR and USA are abruptly aggravated. From 1946 in the United States the nuclear plans were developed to attack USSR.

Roundtable discussion

On 24th October, 2015 at the State Polytechnic Museum at "KPI" was held a round table discussion, dedicated to the disaster at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, which occurred on 24th October, 1960. Then a missile R-16 exploded on the launch platform.