Enrollment of foreign citizens in 2013/2014 academic year in NTUU"KPI" is ended. If the entry of foreigners on the 1st and 5th classes ended early, reception to the preparatory department for foreign citizens lasted practically until the end of November this year.
A gradual increase in the number of foreign nationals coming to the NTUU"KPI" is observed now (chart 1.2).
Officially, foreign citizens can come to Ukraine to study at the preparatory departments (offices) Universities until November, 15. This year, in case of visa support, this period has been extended until 15 December.
The last group of Turkish youth to study at the preparatory department for foreigners arrived in the NTUU "KPI" on November, 23.
Analyzing the results, it should be noted that the conditions of an enrollment of foreigners to study in NTUU"KPI" will depend upon a number of factors and change every year, and this must be taken into account in the organization of an enrollment of each subsequent year. As changes occur as outside the state, as well as inside the Ukraine. These changes should be taken into account when determining the conditions of entry of foreigners in KPI.
Every year the competition grows between universities of different countries in the education market. An example of this is the activity of universities of China. If 10-15 years ago, a large number of Chinese young people studying abroad, but now a growing number of foreigners who are studying in Chinese universities. One of the Chinese universities shows that this year it has about 500 foreigners, and in 2015 there is expected to be about 2,000 students from other countries.
Inside Ukraine there is its own competition between higher education institutions that provide training for foreign nationals. A significant role in it is the quality of the educational process, pricing, accommodation and security, a positive or negative image of the university, recognition of University diplomas in a particular country in the world.
For NTUU"KPI" the number of foreign nationals who are studying in it, is an important factor. He greatly affect our ranking in various international rating systems. And things are interrelated: the higher the rating, the more young foreigners studying in the KPI, and the larger the number, the higher the prestige of the university in the world.
Increase in the number of received training in NTUU"KPI" foreign nationals in 2013 is due to the agreements with foreign partners (firms, companies), who took the considerable amount of work on the presentation of the university in other states and inviting young people from different countries to study with us. Successfully passed a enrollment of young people of the Turkish Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Vietnam and Ecuador.
Factor that held back information and advertising work on the organization of a set of teaching at the university, was the actual lack of financial capacity to participate in KPI in international educational exhibitions and missions of university representatives in other countries for the recruitment of their citizens to study. Unfortunately, faculties and institutes do not get also the opportunities offered by order of the Rector to increase financial flows to units up to 70% (instead of the current norm now 53.8%) in the case of self-attracting foreigners to learn.
Weakened our position in the international education market and not always favorable conditions for foreigners to live in university dormitories. Two partners (from Republic of Turkey and Ecuador) to improve these conditions at his own expense renovated residential units in the dorms for his countrymen, spending on them, respectively, about 1 million UAN and 20 thousand UAH.
Certain obstacles for the success of the recruitment of foreigners to study in 2013, were presented by some regulations. Not wanting to put up with it, our experts have developed proposals for their improvement. These proposals were presented at a roundtable on improving the normative acts of Ukraine on preparation of foreigners held November 8 Verkhovna Rada Committee on Education. They were supported by other participants.
Important factors in increasing contingent of foreign citizens in the next academic year and in the near future are:
- Carrying out general information and advertising work with, including electronic technologies, leaving delegations, individual professionals NTUU"KPI" abroad and receiving foreign delegations at the University, and others.;
- Ensuring the quality and organization of the educational process. This should be completely excluded mixing languages training (Ukrainian and Russian), after having studied at the preparatory cycle Ukrainian or Russian, foreigner feels immense discomfort, if an agreement with NTUU"KPI" for training in the Ukrainian language, he is faced with the fact that some courses of lectures, laboratory work, practical exercises are conducted in Russian, or vice versa.
It should also be noted that, in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of 14 January 2013 and in accordance with the order of the Rector of 06.06.13 № 1-188 each faculty (institute) for 2013/2014 academic year, must identify at least one specialty for which training foreigners carried out in English. The need for this is dictated by common practice: a significant number of non-English speaking universities in the country introduced the practice of specialist training in English, which gives them a significant advantage in the global market of educational services.
An important factor that influences the contingent of foreign citizens in the university are living conditions in the dormitories.
Keep in mind that a foreign citizen decision to learn in one state or another, in one way or another institution is also influenced by the safety, health care, ease of entry procedures, the legalization of stay, departure after completion of training, etc.
We must not forget that at university, any foreigner takes into account the cost of studying and living on campus. Therefore, we plan to introduce tiered pricing depending on the faculty of the Institute with regard to their proposals, wishes.
Significant stimulus choose to study our university is expanding practice of training foreigners to obtain a second higher education, retraining and using the opportunities with the Institute of Postgraduate Education.
And finally, it is very important in this context, the organization of foreign participation in scientific research, public college life, sporting events, acquaintance with Ukraine.
Of course, there are a number of other issues to keep in sight, as they affect the contingent of foreign citizens in the university. This applies, above all, the interest of departments (institutions), in attracting foreigners to train, motivation of teachers, heads of foreign graduate students to engage in training of foreign citizens.
All mentioned above, and, of course, much more, will affect the decision of young people from other countries and their parents to choose to NTUU"KPI" as a university that is worth getting a higher education.
We should also focus on creating a positive image of NTUU "KPI" among potential foreign students. It is a multifactorial problem. Very important in this regard is to maintain the functioning of the really international environment in which foreign students feel real members of the student group. Activities of local associations of foreign students, the election of chairpersons of local associations and chairman of the local associations (now this is a student of 4th year Abdulkhamidov Jumanazar FAM), their involvement in the work of the Student Council of the University promotes international student environment.
Sufficiently subtle matter is the prevention of offenses on the part of foreign students, and in relation to them. It is clear that foreigners come to us from different countries, with different mentality, customs, which are cultivated in their nations. They have different habits, different concepts for dignity, rights and freedoms are accustomed to different forms and nature of communication with administration, teachers, law enforcement agencies. Therefore, adaptation to college life in the conditions of foreigners in Ukraine, on the campus of NTUU"KPI" requires all teachers, representatives of the administration, support staff is very skilled, tolerant, objective, friendly approach. However, of course, without understating the requirements for the implementation of foreign norms, rules of the educational process, living in the dorms. Unfortunately, such an understanding is not always evident in the practice of the various structures of the university.
Analyzing the number of foreign citizens in various courses NTUU"KPI", it should be noted a small number of foreign students in the past - the 4th and 6th - courses (Figure 3). But for the junior classes is the opposite: given the fact that the 1st year this year made 146 foreigners and predicting at least the number of freshmen in the next year, we can expect an increase in the contingent of foreign citizens in 2014 to about 800 people (also take into account increase in the number of foreigners in the preparatory department, the number of which this year is 87 people).
So, now the trend is increasing the numbers of foreign students in the KPI is positive. However, to the number of foreign students increased in the future, it is necessary to intensify the work with foreign agencies that are engaged in the direction of his fellow citizens to study abroad, to work closely with representatives of foreign states in Ukraine and Ukrainian embassies in other countries, to restore the training of foreigners in the English language; expand participation in international educational exhibitions, faculties and departments to cooperate with the graduates of other countries and foreign students who are studying at the university today, and the like. So - work hard, use a whole range of opportunities that we have in our possession.