"Kyiv Polytechnic" continues to acquaint readers with the winners of university competition "Teacher-Researcher 2007". One of them is Pavlo Pavlovych Maslyanko, Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics Department of FAM and PhD. He kindly agreed to share his experience, his own observations and the results of the research and academic search on the FaM.
Of course, it is good to know and understand that your work is not lost in vain, and moreover, has brought significant results. According to the ranking of scientific work in 2007 FAM is ranked as fourth in the university. The organization of research activities at the Faculty is based on the main provisions paradigm "research university" that governed the so-called "knowledge triangle '- education, science and innovation. And here it is necessary to distinguish two ways of implementation of the "triangle" that creates legal and institutional, facilitating and qualified scientific and pedagogical staff.
About seven years ago, Professor Alexander Artemovych Molchanov, at that time the Dean of FAM, supported the idea of the experiment to prepare masters according to European standards. Its essence is that the process of preparation of the master's thesis - it was even scary so to speak about it – was started on the fifth year of study with a lecture and workshops on "Basic scientific research". Masters had to choose such subject areas and the object of studies that will determine the direction of their future work, including the opportunity for career growth. Initially, this freedom of choice and sense of responsibility for their own decision was a little puzzling and even frightened the students. But very quickly almost all of them realized that it was the only way to self-realization and competitiveness in the labor market.
The implementation of this experiment was carried under the leading basic and applied sciences master's training at the fifth and sixth courses. On the one hand, the professional basic courses - "Basic scientific research", "Modeling of Complex Systems", "Applied System Analysis" - as a theoretical basis to deepen knowledge, and on the other - training items - "Computer networks", "System Data", "System programming" and "System design Automation" - both modern application methods and tools for practical implementation of tasks of applied mathematics in various fields of human activity.
This approach enables undergraduates to focus all their attention on a single thing chosen by them, the scientific direction for research, usage of all basic courses and to apply modern techniques and tools of information and communication systems and technologies in order to solve the tasks.
On the one hand, the chosen master research towards concentration of expertise of the faculty immediately improves the quality of its training and level of research is closer to international standards. This conclusion I can draw from my own observations and by my students, who work in leading national and international companies, and by graduates of foreign universities.
On the other hand, this approach complicates the job of the teacher because of the large number of scientific fields and their annual changes, which require high training level and broadening of scientific worldview. No wonder that the world's leading research universities are practicing, so to speak, the "piece" Preparation Masters: one Master student - one scientific leader.
I am very grateful for the understanding and support of this process to FAM Dean Ivan Andriyevich Dychko, Academic Council of the faculty and my colleagues.
I am very glad of the fact that every year the number of not only talented and hardworking masters student, but also junior students is growing.
A bit depressing is that that this talented, young and energetic treasure of our country completely is traveling abroad or working for the "foreign" in the Ukrainian offices. According to my observations, the financial component is not there in the first place, though it is also very significant factor. In the first place there is the desire for self-realization and professional growth of young people in terms of decent wages.
I fully agree with the opinion of many of my colleagues about banal, but, unfortunately, not by all understood truth: the way to a research university is through scientific activities of every student, every teacher, and every researcher of University.
I think that the main features of a research university and, more importantly, the specific performance results of its operations should be well known among students and science teachers. For this the position of the pilot project "Research University" NTUU "KPI" should be simply opened.
Therefore I am confident that the Department of Science and Innovation of "KPI", Deputy Deans of Research work, leading scientists and inventors of our university, young scientists and students towards research university wasted no bread to eat ...
But those who have doubts, are to be invited to report to pro-rector on scientific work, which takes place at the first meeting of the Academic Council at the beginning of each year.