NAWA Solidarity with Ukraine project with Warsaw University of Technology

The conference “WUT for Ukraine - Insights from NAWA Projects” was held in Warsaw, dedicated to the completion of a two-year project organized and implemented by Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute together with the Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska), as well as partners of the ENHANCE alliance with funding and support from NAWA (NAWA Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej) under the Solidarity with Ukraine program.

A trip to the Warsaw University of Technology

For me, this academic mobility was unexpected, because I applied for the programme through a call for applications, and it happened just a week before the event. However, this spontaneous decision brought me a very useful experience.

"Corpus and Discourse" at FL

For the third year in a row, the Department of Technical English No. 1 of the School of Linguistics has been organizing the International Scientific and Practical Online Conference "Corpus and Discourse".

Viva Latina: Live Latin

These days are making adjustments in established rules and norms of the educational process and at the same time encourage us, educators, to seek new forms and formats of educational components teaching.

International conference at the faculty of linguistics

On February 28, 2018, the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Languages ​​of Professional Communication: Linguistic, Cognitive-Discourse, Translation Studies and Methodological Aspects” was held on the basis of the graduate departments of the Faculty of Linguistics.

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