The guarantee of the quality of education and demand on the labour-market are the main goals of the educational establishment that prepares specialists for the economy of the country. NTUU “KPI” has 127 accredited specialities (the certificate of accreditation РД-IV № 119061 from 15.02.2010.): 106 (77.3%) of these specialities are of the ІV level, 19 (15.1%) – the ІІІ level, 9 (7.6%) – ІІ level.

According to the general license (АД № 034700 from 06.06.2012 р.) there are 53 licensed directions of training of the list of 2006, 39 directions and 132 specialities of the list of 1997. The study is carried out:

  • for bachelor’s degree – in 53 directions of the list of 2006 (1÷2 courses) and 39 directions of training of the list of 1997 (3÷4 courses) with the licensed number -10,945 students on full-time course, and 7,150 students on the correspondence course;
  • specialist’s degree – in 125 specialities
  • master’s degree – in 113 specialities with a licensed number of students – 11,186 on full-time course and 7,380 on the correspondence course .

Besides, re-qualification of specialists according to accredited directions is licensed in accredited specialities (1,350 students on full-time course and 1,600 students on the correspondence course), extension courses (3900 students per year), preparation for entering higher educational establishments of Ukraine (7,800 students) and international students (500 students).

In the researching university “KPI” the training of specialists, needed nowadays, is based on the triangle: education – science – innovations, and the quality of training includes 5 major constituents, the quality of training of university entrants and students, training programmes, academics, the level of financial and material support, the evaluation of this quality.

Pre-university training

There is a system of pre-university training in NTUU “KPI”. Today there are more than 2.5 thousand students from 757 junior colleges, schools, high schools, colleges and technical schools from every region of Ukraine. A considerable part is schoolchildren who take part in the programme “The future of Ukraine” that was created in 2009 by NTUU “KPI”, T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and The Small Academy of Sciences. Various activities are performed on the territory of “KPI” in order to attract talented youth – international contests, competitions, sessions and workshops of the Small Academy of Sciences, exhibitions of technical creation of schoolchildren etc.

Training of students

Every half of the year since 2005 complex monitoring of education quality is held. It has such components: the rector control of the quality of residual knowledge, accumulation index, the quality of diploma theses, social survey of the labour-market.

According to the rector control results, the coefficients of accordance are determined by groups of subjects: basic, professionally oriented, professional, information technology, foreign language. In addition, the coefficient of conformity of the results of the rector control to the results of the last examination period.
Accumulation index is defined on the basis of the preceding round’s achievements

By defining the quality of diploma theses, the number of theses with honours is taken into account, recommended for implementation, made by order as well as results of university competition and independent expert opinion.

By conducting social survey the level of special professional training is evaluated as well the level of practical training, the level of knowledge of information technologies and programme products, the level of foreign language knowledge and the readiness to study, to master the new in the profession.

After each round the specialities, that took the first five places, receive financial incentives, and those that took the last five places, have to create and present the steps on the methodological council in order to improve the quality of training.

The Centre of Applied Sociology "Sotsioplius" regularly holds surveys of the employers about the quality of our graduates.
The enrolment to the Master’s department takes place on the basis of integral rating, which includes academic and creative work components, professional examination and foreign language examination. Last year the average university contest was 1.36. The total number of Masters is 1,748, 92.2% of whom are enrolled to the budgetary form and 7.7% - to the contract one. Among the masters there are 0.3% of foreigners, 3.5% are from other higher educational establishments of Ukraine.

In NTUU “KPI” there are programmes of double diploma with the universities of:

  • France – Partech, Paris (The Faculty of Electronics, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, the Faculty of Management and Marketing, the Institute of Applied System analyses);
  • Greece – the USA – the University of Indianapolis in Athens (the Faculty of Information and Computing Technologies);
  • Korea – Korean university (The Faculty of Electronics);
  • Brazil – Federal university, Uberlandia (The Faculty of Welding);
  • Germany – The Technical University of Magdeburg (the Institute of Mechanics and Machine-building, The faculty of Engineering and Physics, the Faculty of Welding), The Technical University of Dresden(The Faculty of Electronics, the Institute of Telecommunication Systems).

Masters can broaden their knowledge during annual summer school “Achievements and applications of contemporary informatics, mathematics and physics”.

Teaching staff

Every year "KPI" defines the ratings of teaching staff. Three directions of their activity are assessed - teaching work, scientific and innovation work, organizational and educational work. A normative value equals 1000. The basic distribution of points according to the directions of the activity is: 450 points (45%) for teaching, scientific and innovation work, 100 points (10%) for organizational and educational work. Last year, the average teaching rating equals 1,612.2 points.

For conducting research there are Scientific Park "Kyivska Polytechnika", Master Training Department and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and
NTUU "KPI", Supercomputer Centre, International Data Centre of NTUU "KPI", Centre of Electronic Microscopy NTUU"KPI", Ukrainian segment Grid – NTUU "KPI ",National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, T. Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology Centre, mutual training and research centres of international companies. These centres give an opportunity to students to work with the up-to-date equipment and to be on the cutting edge of the scientific and technological progress.