Pupils of the Junior Academy of Sciences future and current students of KPI

Every year, school graduates - participants and winners of national and international competitions and Olympiads - join the student community of Kyiv Polytechnic. Among the most active are students of the Polytechnic Lyceum of NTUU “KPI”. The newspaper “Kyiv Polytechnic” has repeatedly told about lyceum students-inventors - pupils of the Kyiv Junior Academy of Sciences, who later became students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and their mentors. We continue this good tradition.

Hlib Skopyk. A test of the mind and personality

Hlib Skopyk, a student of the FPM, will receive a scholarship in the academic year 2024/25. He is studying Software Engineering and has the first place in the third-year academic performance rating.

Sports October of Kyiv Polytechnics 2024

Throughout most of October, students who are not indifferent to sports competed in competitions in six sports disciplines as part of the KPI Spartakiad.  This was the second university sports day after a long break due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the beginning of a full-scale war.

Anastasiia Sydorenko. The sprouts of the future are growing stronger

The Seeds for the Future international educational programme organised by Huawei brought together 150 students from 23 countries in Rome this year. The main topics of the event were: innovation, digitalisation, sustainable development and entrepreneurship. Among the participants were five talented students from five leading Ukrainian universities. Anastasiia Sydorenko, a fourth-year student of the RTF, represented Kyiv Polytechnic.

To help the wounded at the front

On 24 September, employees of the State Special Communications Service of Ukraine together with cadets and teachers of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute donated more than 80 litres of blood to help the wounded soldiers at the front.

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