Archive department

Head of the archive department: Oksana Yuriyivna Ovramenko
Address: 14, Politekhnichna St., Kyiv-56, building 16, 1st floor, entrance from the side of the 7th building
Phone for inquiries: 204-95-67
E-mail: arhiv[at]
Visitors' reception: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 10.00 to 16.00, lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00.

Victoriia Yasynetska is unindifferent and courageous

It has been revealed to “KP” editors that the leadership of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute received an official note signed by university business manager Yana Tsymbalenko and supported by the chief of Solomyansky Police Department district №1 Paul Vasilenko.

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