From October 28 to November 2, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute hosted the KPISchool Engineering Week as part of career guidance activities for schoolchildren. It was jointly organized and conducted by the faculties, educational and research institutes and the Career Guidance Department - the Career Development Center of the DNVR.

This project has been implemented for several years in a row. Traditionally, the organizers held the engineering school offline during the school autumn vacation.  Thus, high school students who were not studying in schools, lyceums and gymnasiums had the opportunity to come to Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and take part in classes directly at the university. /strong>


During the week, the Institute of IEE, FEA, MMI, HTF, FBMI, IATE, ITS, FEL held various workshops, master classes and presentations. University professors showed the students how interesting, diverse and useful engineering majors can be.  For example, here are the names of several classes at the university's faculties and institutes that were actively attended by schoolchildren: “Creating a Roboplatform and Programming Arduino Elements”; intensive course ”Communication in Ukraine. Prospects for development and use. Engineering in the world of telecom”; workshops ‘Energy from water’, ‘Hydrogen - the fuel of the future’, ‘House - how to become energy independent’; workshops ‘Modern complexes of physical protection systems’, ”Nuclear reactor. How It Works”, ‘Water in Nuclear Power’; workshops ‘Fractals in Biomedical Engineering, Nature and Art’, ‘Welding in Medicine’.  

This fall, 105 participants registered for the School of Engineering classes, and 12 meetings were held at the university's faculties/institutes. According to Natalia Pozharska, Head of the Career Guidance Department - Career Development Center of the SRIP, there is an increase in motivated children interested in engineering and innovative developments. However, this does not mean, she believes, that we do not need to continue to increase the momentum in career guidance. On the contrary, we should involve the educational community as much as possible in the process of forming a conscious attitude towards the choice of future profession by schoolchildren.

Volodymyr Shkolnyi

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