Fourteenth international theoretical and practical conference "Scientific-technical development: economics, technology, management" was held at FMM on April 7-9, 2015. It was organized by the scientific students Association of the faculty. The work was organized in five sections: "Management", "Business economics", "International economic activities, marketing and mathematical methods", "Information technologies in economy".
Abstracts were submitted by 212 participants from 10 universities and organizations of Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and Belgium. Representatives of leading native and foreign universities were among the participants: national technical University of Ukraine "KPI", KNLU, Lovensky Catholic University (Belgium), Warsaw University (Poland), Kyiv national University of culture and arts, Acad. J. Bugay International scientific and technical University, Belarusian state economic University, Belarusian national technical University and others. The conference participants were welcomed by the Deputy Chairman of the program Committee, Vice-Dean of the FMM for scientific work O. V. Zozulov and members of the program Committee. At the plenary session interesting reports were made by Professor S. V. Voitko, V. G. Gerasimchuk, O.O. Okhrimenko, associate professor A. G. Dunska, etc.
On the last day of the conference everything was summed up and the best speakers were awarded with certificates and prizes.
The conference organizers thank for support FMM and other departments of NTUU "KPI", who helped in organizing the conference, and also express gratitude to all participants.