September 11, 2014, the  first in this academic year  meeting the trade union committee of employees NTUU"KPI" was held in the hall of the Academic Council.

The following issues are included in the agenda:

  1. About charitable activities of the trade union committee in connection with the events in eastern Ukraine (rapporteur O.I.Sheyko).
  2. On the dismissal (rapporteur V.A. Korsakov).
  3. The activities of the university in conditions  of the new edition of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" (rapporteur Molchanov).
  4. On the specifics of the educational process in the 2014/2015 academic year (rapporteur M.O.Bezugly).
  5. On the extension of trade union  election campaign  in the  units of NTUU"KPI" (rapporteur V.O.Korsakov).

According to the first clause of agenda, Deputy Chairman of the Union O.I.Sheyko informed about the initiative of many workers "KPI" - union members - to assist individuals and voluntary groups who are involved in the events in the east of Ukraine, in particular the stuff of NTUU"KPI" , conscripted to the Armed forces of Ukraine. The audience was informed about the establishing of the university "Volunteer Battalion NTUU" KPI ", under the command of the  head of the   renewable energy department professor Stepan Oleksandrovich Cudria.

S.O.Kudrya spoke to the crowd and announced the action plan of the battalion to raise funds and provide the necessary assistance. Discussing this issue was also attended by S.I.Enina, O.V.Danilenko and others.

  The following trade union resolution was adopted:

  1. To support the initiative of union members - employees KPI to provide financial assistance to employees of the University (the families of employees of the University), which was drafted into the Armed Forces of Ukraine, by involving members of the union.
  2. Promote the work of " Volunteer Battalion " NTUU "KPI" through participation of union departments chairmen  and trade union activists in raising funds for assistance territorial voluntary groups involved in the ATO in eastern Ukraine.
  3. Initiate before organizational entities Trade Union of Education and Science of Ukraine measures for financial assistance to individuals who participate in the protection of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

On the second clause of the agenda the audience supported the trade union committee on social protection, voiced by Deputy Chairman  V.A. Korsakov.

Introduction from September 6, 2014 of the the new version of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" has set before the collective of university a lot of questions on the implementation of the provisions of the law. Taking this into account V.I. Molchanov said about the establishment of the commission in university which develops an action plan for rapid adaptation activities of the university with the new requirements.

The deputy chairman of N.A. Bezuglyi reported about the specifics of the educational process in the academic year 2014/2015. Due to the tense situation in particular in the energy sector, NTUU"KPI" on the proposal Ministery of Education and Science has adjusted the schedule of the educational process, by increasing duration of the winter holidays, narrowing schedule classrooms and introducing additional classes. New schedule for the fall semester can be found by reference.

On the latest clause of the agenda deputy chairman of the trade union, V.A. Korsakov said the timing of the election campaigns in union offices units NTUU"KPI", recalling that their deadline expires on 1 December 2014

Info. trade union of employees of NTUU "KPI"

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