On the 23rd of April the XII International scientific and technical conference “Engineering: situation and perspectives” started its work in NTUU “KPI”. 424 representatives of 73 manufacturing enterprises, universities, academic and research institutes of specific branches from 24 cities of Ukraine, Austria, Germany, Malaysia, Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Belarus and other countries take part in this conference.
242 reports concerning current problems of modern engineering were presented for consideration of the participants.
The conference started with plenary session held by professor Hryhoriy Tymchyk, dean of Department of Instrument Design and Engineering of NTUU “KPI”, and will take place in eight sections: “Theory and practice of navigation apparatus and systems, control and diagnostic systems”, “Optical and optoelectron devices and systems”, “Processes of device fabrication, methods and facilities of their control”, “Information technologies, theory and engineering of mechanical quantities measurement systems, micro- and nanodevices”, “Analytical and ecological engineering”, “Biomedical engineering and technologies”, “Non-destructive control, technical and medical diagnostics” and “Information-measuring systems in energy conservation”.
The conference will be held in a period of two days.