"beAhead" Job Fair: live and online

After a forced break, first due to COVID-19, and then due to the war and shelling of Kyiv, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute once again hosted the annual beAhead Job Fair, where job seekers could meet with representatives of university partner companies.

XVIII Summer Universiade of Kyiv in chess

The KPI team defended the title of Kyiv Rapid Chess Champion, which it has held since 2016, at the city chess championship among university student teams under the program of the XVIII Summer Universiade of Kyiv.

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute Rocks

A two-day rock festival organized by the "Rock it" Music Workshop took place at the Student Consolidation Center.

About 30 bands from the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute performed on stage in front of the audience two days in a row.

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