Scientists of the Institute of Materials Science teach talented students

For many years, the sections “Materials and Additive Technologies” and “Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering”, which are part of the Department of Engineering and Materials Science of the Kyiv Academy of Sciences, have been actively working at the E.O. Paton Educational and Research Institute of Materials Science and Welding of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

Sikorsky Challenge 2024 festival: events, projects, geography

The traditional All-Ukrainian Festival of Innovative Projects “Sikorsky Challenge”, which takes place every fall at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, has recently seemed to grow up: for several years in a row, it has been getting rid of unnecessary pathos and ceremonies not quite

New employment projects

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute together with the Kyiv Regional Employment Center will prepare new projects for employment, second higher education, retraining and retraining courses

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