On November 21-st, 2019 the XII Olympiad on the Electronic Circuit Theory was held. It has been organized by the Electronics Engineering Department of the Faculty of Electronics and is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Vitaly P. Sigorsky, a prominent scientist and educator who worked at our University from 1964 till 2007. The participants of the Olympiad are the students of the technical departments of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

The winners are:

ІI place – Yeugeniy Gergil (Faculty of Radio Engineering),
ІI place – Sergiy Makarchuck (Faculty of Electronics),

ІІI place – Bogdan Vodyanyck (Faculty of Electronics),
– Victor Gladun (Faculty of Radio Engineering).

Thanks everybody for participating in the Olympiad and for the high results shown. We invite you to participate in the XIII Olympiad “TEC'2020” to be held in November next year.

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Solution of the TEK'2019 Olympiad Challenges (309.4 KB) 309.4 KB
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