What people feel when acquainted with a KPI student? Usually, an  interest appears in the eyes, a desire to communicate and join to something significant. Our university keeps the bar of high education, so one can tell about graduates of polytechnics with pride. One such student is a sixth-year physics and mathematics faculty Asiman Mamedov. Most recently, he was awarded a scholarship Rector NTUU"KPI". The young man kindly told about himself.

Childhood. Asiman was born and raised in Kiev. Parents of a child awakened in him an interest in everything new, love to the exact sciences, foreign languages, thirst for new knowledge and achievements. Therefore, he is fluent in four languages​​. Being a scholar when studying at the Lyceum "Leader" Asiman won prizes in various competitions. Thanks to this guy realized that he wanted to achieve professional heights and become a professional. But already at that time an interest for science in him started to compete with sports activities.

Choice. During some time the guy managed to combine his studies with playing sports - football and basketball, a passion which is not extinct to this day. But after graduation of high school you had to do the first important choice: to choose the institution, where to study the following six years. The decision did not come immediately, but as the father Asiman graduated KPI, received the degree of candidate of technical sciences, and during a certain time taught in the polytechnics, so Asiman decided to file the documents in the NTUU"KPI". With the choice of Faculty there was no hesitatons. Being a preschooler he could add and subtract six-digit numbers and  multiply two-digit and at the  lyceum  loved physics, so finally he chose the Institute of Physics and Technology.

Education. But fate decided to test the boy here. After studying for three years, Asiman decided to open a new chapter of his life - with the Physics and Mathematics Faculty. FPM welcome took him to the family: the administration and faculty strongly helped and supported the initiatives of the new student. Soon Asiman  successfully performed at the XI International Student Conference "Innovations in science and technology." He made his report in English.  The report was devoted to the study of 3D printer capable of reproducing three-dimensional objects.

Sports. While studying in the Institute of Physics and Technology, Asiman was included in the KPI basketball team. On the provocative  coach question what he loves more: himself in basketball or a basketball in himself, the guy invariably replied: "Basketball in myself." Apparently, this dedication and hard work contributed to the invitation of the athlete to professional sports clubs. And not surprisingly, on the FPM he created and led the basketball team. Now the natural energy and vitality allow him to combine study and work with basketball. He engaged in journalism as a sports reporter on the site Sport.ua, and in organizational field working in Eurobasket Cadet and at the annual music festival OstrovFestival.

Mentors. Asiman speaks warmly about the people who helped him become what he is: parents, friends, teachers. Particularly he is proud that performs a master under the guidance of professors and Yu.I.Gorobets and O.Yu.Gorobets, who are favorites of the students, and are able to interest in the work and to outline clearly the material. Together they work on the topic "Effect of Huss-Henhena: study of the phenomenon of reflection from anisotropic spin wave on the separation border between the two ferromagnets." According to the students, the teachers show an example of work to achieve the goal, learn to analyze and come to the final result. Professionalism, understanding, thirst for knowledge - these qualities are combined in his teachers. "It is easy to work when you see an example of successful people, charging energy from them," - he says. In future undergraduate plans to continue work with the mysterious puzzles of physics, therefore he sees himself in the scientific field.

Priorities. Summing up our conversation, Asiman shared basic life rules he has set for himself to achieve its goals:

1.Never say never.

2. Do not stop halfway.

3. To work in full force. Set realistic goals and achieve them, and do not believe in utopia.

Catherine Vasil'chenko, student FPM