Dear guests, teachers, scientists! Allow me to congratulate you with the 115 anniversary of Kiev Polytechnic Institute and the twenty-second anniversary of Ukraine's independence.

One hundred and fifteen years is a very short interval in the historical dimension of time, but for the KPI this is the age of the formation and finding one's own identity in the world community of universities.

This year we celebrate another great moment in the scientific and cultural life of the country - the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Vernadsky. I think that in our academic meeting, we must pay attention to this figure, because the idea of V.I. Vernadsky continue to exercise enormous influence on the knowledge of the world, including in studies of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

V.I. Vernadsky was born March 12, 1863 in St. Petersburg, where he passes his childhood and youth - in Kharkov.

In 1881, he entered the St. Petersburg Imperial University, the Natural Sciences Department. His teachers were world-famous scientists AM Butlerov, DI Mendeleev, AM Beketov, IM Sechenov, VV Dokuchaev.

Vernadsky was captured by the fundamental questions of science. In his diary, January 11, 1885, he wrote: "What is the space and time? These are the issues that concern so many years of human thought. "In the future, Vernadsky writes profound philosophical works on the relationship of space and time in living systems.

Starting from his youth, and until the last day, he kept a diary. Student 4th year Vladimir Vernadsky wrote: "Science brings so much pleasure, so much good that it seemed it would remain a figure of pure science, but you know, everything that is done in the state and society, one way or another on you falls, and the need to come to be activist in their own country. "This civil position he held for life.

After graduating from University with a degree "Crystallography and Mineralogy" Vernadsky remains there as a laboratory mineralogical cabinet. In 1888-1889. He was on probation in Munich, at the famous mineralogist Professor P. Groth. Upon returning from a trip abroad Vernadsky accepts an invitation to go to the University of Moscow, where the next twenty years, until 1911, teaches mineralogy and crystallography. During this time he creates a fundamental works for which in 1911 he was elected an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The most significant contribution Vernadsky at that stage was due to the introduction in science notions of the geological role of living matter and the development of the study of the biosphere and noosphere.

After reviewing the discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel and the works of Pierre and Marie Curie, VI Vernadsky in 1910, said the prophetic words: "The phenomena of radioactivity opens before us sources of atomic energy, millions of times greater than all the sources of strength that appeared in the human mind." It's been said more than 100 years ago, when the physical basis of this forecast was still unclear to the creators of the new physics to Einstein, Rutherford and others.

In June 1918, accepting the suggestion of his friend Professor. MP Vasilenko, Vernadsky moved to Kiev, where the in the status of the Minister of Education in the government of Hetman Skoropadskii he started to create the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In November 1919, before the arrival of the Bolsheviks in Kiev, VI Vernadsky heads south, in Rostov-on-Don. September 18 meeting with Denikin. Look for his support of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Hopes for the Volunteer Army. In his diary, wrote: "The Academy is dying, so many efforts were spent on it."

In January 1920, VI Vernadsky was ill and went for treatment in the Crimea, where he stayed for over a year and during that time managed to create Tauride University. Spring of 1921 Vernadsky returned to Moscow, where he continues to write his fundamental monograph on living matter. The first 5 sections of 13 were written by him in Kiev and Simferopol.

The concept of living matter was a harbinger of the basis of his fundamental work - the doctrine of the biosphere. Biosphere Vernadsky defined as geological shell of the Earth, containing living matter.

He showed that a relatively small mass of living matter determines the processes of planetary scale: the appearance of granite masses in the earth's crust, the oxygen composition of the Earth's atmosphere. Through photosynthesis and production of carbon reduction occurs redox cycle in the Earth's crust. With this cycle of global processes related to mineralization. Living matter converts geological environment so that it acquires properties that would not have been in the absence of life.

Vernadsky was one of the founders of geochemical science. If the writings of his predecessors it is rather on the application of chemistry and chemical approaches to the study of the geological environment, the generalization of Vernadsky geochemistry - the science of the history of atomic processes and chemical reactions in the rocks, the special role of carbon and living substance therein.

Vernadsky considering exploration of the Moon as a geological body as well as the object of economic development. In November 1930, he writes in his diary: "We see a clear and achievable goal in near future - human exploration of the Moon and other planets." Vernadsky, of course, understand that the substance from other planets needed for comparative planetary analysis, will be not very soon in the hands of researchers. Remains another way - it is a broad study of meteoritic matter. He organized the collection and description of meteorites, created their collection in Russia.
As an organizer of science Vernadsky activated the work of the Commission for the Study of Natural Productive Forces of the Soviet state, organized the exploration and mining of uranium. He created Radium Institute and 25 other research institutions.

In the last years of his life Vernadsky comes to clear and the final wording of the doctrine of the noosphere. He considers the inclusion of a person in the biosphere as a new stage of its development, "noosphere is a new geological phenomenon on our planet. For the first time a person becomes a major geological force. Before the advent of human evolution was natural process. With the advent of the mind, a new organizing factor in the biosphere appeared. "

Vernadsky does not mean the production activity of human but its intellectual activity. That's why he uses the term "NOOS" - the mind. In "Scientific Thought as a Planetary Phenomenon", he writes: "... the main geological creative force noosphere - a growth of scientific knowledge." Vernadsky considered the transition to the noosphere as an ethical process. "All that prevented this natural development, it was eventually doomed" - he wrote in his diary.

Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky died on January 6, 1945. As a scientist, he created a new direction in science: geochemistry, the doctrine of living matter and the biosphere, radiogeology, has made an enormous contribution to the development of mineralogy and crystallography. He owns the original philosophical ideas in the understanding of the problems of symmetry, the space-time of living organisms, scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon. He developed a theory of the noosphere.

As a thinker Vernadsky was surprisingly insightful. Some of his predictions were about the future role of nuclear energy, the importance of the study of the Moon and the planets of the solar system, the emergence of environmental problems. They were unexpected and incomprehensible to his contemporaries, and only now acquired urgency. Vernadsky was a great humanist. Despite his critical mind, and perhaps because of it, his attitude to the history and the future of humanity was deeply optimistic. His doctrine of the noosphere is permeated by faith in the triumph of reason.

Dear Colleagues, Turning to our work, I recall that in November 2011, we have established and started a new strategy for the development of the University over the next ten years. Its basic provisions largely correspond to the conceptual foundations of the draft law "On Higher Education", in elaboration of which on a group of our specialists took active part.

According to this strategy over the past year in the KPI a number of changes in the management structure of the university were done, which allowed a 15% reduction in the cost of maintaining this category of workers and increase the effectiveness of managerial work.

In an effort to take the rightful place not only in Ukraine, but also in the world, in line with its strategy, we provide successive steps in the direction of fundamental nature of engineering education, its innovation, improve the quality of learning. To do this, we monitor the residual knowledge of students and the quality of graduate design, take into account the employer references, do a periodic review of training programs, improve the quality of teaching staff, improve information systems in training, provide public information on all aspects of our activities.

The first phase of this work is related to the search and selection of the most prepared and promising replenishment of the university. Unfortunately, every year, the gap between the level of knowledge of graduates of secondary schools of Ukraine in the natural component and the requirements of the KPI is increased. More than half of first-year students who have come to us from the high points of the certificate external independent tests on mathematics and physics, do not maintain the minimum university requirements for these disciplines.

This imposes on us a special challenge to improve the system of pre-university training KPI, which we called "The future of Ukraine." It is quite extensive and versatile. Through a system of competitions, contests and training courses, three schools KPI, more than 300 schools and hundreds of thousands of students from different regions of Ukraine are included in it . More than 100 winners of the Small Academy of Sciences on the natural sciences during the last 5 years of joined the ranks of university students.

With this system, and the high ratings KPI, competition on submitted claims for the past four years is growing (4.4 per place in 2010, 5.28 in 2011, 6.79 in 2012, 7.37 in 2013 year). Importantly, the trend toward a higher interest of young people in education in our university is observed in a sharp growth of competition in the educational market and increase admission plan KPI for this period of time by 15%. However, we are concerned that it 40% of departments and institutions in 2013 there was no competitive situation for admission to master's degree, with an average competition at the university to this form of training 1.36.

Keeping in mind that the KPI as the leading technical university in the country should exercise the highest forms of training (Masters and Ph.D courses), we must pay special attention to a admission the best KPI bachelors and graduates of other universities in Masters Degree.

Unfortunately, there are significant systemic and even philosophical problems in this work. Main among them is the fact that we have not yet embodied in all departments and faculties policy priority the preparation for the higher forms based on the latest scientific research. Most graduate departments of inertia says that their main task is to implement only the basic forms of training - Bachelor, which is not necessarily requires a combination of education and science, and the higher forms of training - Masters and Ph.D courses they considered as additional. Training of scientists through the doctorate is the exception rather than the rule - it is performed only 10% of graduate departments.

To solve this problem, in line with its strategy, each department has to develop and maintain scientific and pedagogical schools in their subject area, to increase their understanding of the current needs of society and the labor market, to forecast its development, to expand international ties, and much more.

Of course, it is difficult to ensure the accelerated development of science and education in one particular university, when the country's continuing trend of decline of scientific-technological sphere. But we must understand that the KPI should carry out the mission of the driving member of society, a kind of point of scientific and technological growth in the future for this link could be drawn the entire chain of advanced science and education in the country. Should adopt the words of Vladimir Vernadsky, "noosphere - an environment in which a person lives, and that it changes by the growth of its scientific knowledge."

Life today puts before us challenges of interdisciplinary and innovationi training. It is very difficult, but crucial for us to process. Under the new conditions should ensure the penetration of engineering in medicine, biology, environment, economy, social sphere, which will require us to gain interfaculty and inter-chair ties, reconfiguration plans and programs of training, flexibility training paths. It will also require real participation in the new research faculty and scientists KPI, which carry higher forms of training, their collaboration with industry and customers for our graduates.

Harmonization of our work with the labor market is the next crucial task strategy for further development of the KPI. Modern employer requires young professionals not only in-depth knowledge in the field of professional activity, but also the ability to work in a team, communicative competence, knowledge of the basics of management, computer technology, law, management, foreign languages.

If we talk about the demand for our graduates, it is high enough, and in the last 7 years is about 120-130%. Almost all of the graduates are employed, although not always in the specialty, but of those who are already working, employers generally respond favorably. According to their estimates, 63.6% of our graduates meet the requirements of modern production and business. According to the rating of "COMPASS" KPI for five consecutive years ranked first in the training of engineering specialities and information technology. At the same time, employers believe that graduates KPI require additional training in management disciplines, law, foreign language communication skills. Interestingly, the students themselves, answering the question, "What now do you need to in order to become a" first-class "specialist" ? - in 78% of cases - indicates a lack of practical experience.

Therefore we try to create favorable conditions for Graduates KPI to be competitive in the labor market. To do this, we have introduced a pass-through training in foreign languages, in-depth study of information technology have created an opportunity for students to get a second degree, practice them in advance orientation to the field of future work.

One of the most important factors in improving the quality of graduates is the contemporary requirements of society and balanced curriculum and curriculum subjects. Given the researcher status of the University they finalized so as to strengthen the scientific component and provide students with sufficient elective courses.

The draft law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" provides the introduction Ph.D., a training program which, in addition to the traditional master's thesis requires learning cycle backbone disciplines in the relevant specialty. This academic level should be the third stage in the system of lifelong learning: Bachelor - Master - PhD.

KPI development strategy provides the mutual penetration of training programs for master's and doctor of philosophy on the basis of continuous implementation of integrated programs of training future scientists. The advantage of this system is obvious: this early definition of the subject through research, early scientific or professional focus on the end result, "acceleration" of training and Ph.D. degree through the leadership master's and doctoral work.

This training masters - candidates must provide the scientific and pedagogical schools on the basis of their close ties with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, with the Scientific Park "Kyiv Polytechnic", with the supercomputer center, the World Data Centre "Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development", teaching and research centers of international companies and other advanced high-tech facilities. To implement the strategy combination of learning with scientific innovation, University continued the practice of creating joint centers with leading companies. Thus, in the Engineering Physics Department educational and research laboratory with the Japanese company "Rigaku" was opened, at the Faculty of Automation and elektroenergotehniki - educational center technicality with "ABB" and Ukrainian-Polish Centre of alternative energy, at the Chemical Faculty - Ukrainian-Norwegian remote training center, at the Faculty of Electronics o- a joint Ukrainian-Japanese teaching and research laboratory Express-microscopy.

In the present system to improve the quality of experts an important role is played by teacher and scholar. The determining factors here, as before, is the general culture, the scientific level, professional skills, analytical skills of the teacher. Each year, the Scientific Council of the University notes the 50 best teachers researchers and young teachers and researchers, which harmoniously combine educational, research and innovation activities. They get a bonus of 20% of salary.

It is worth noting that in the past year increased the number of those who raised their qualification as in KPI, and at other universities, research institutions and large enterprises. The next few years, we have set ourselves the task of fully engage further training and retraining of all teachers at least twice during the term of their contract.

Personnel policy, we carry out a lot of years - is an alloy of hard young and wise, experienced professors. Work in this direction in recent years has allowed to reduce a little the average age of the teaching corps (from 52 to 51 years). But the reality is that a third of the teaching staff - are pensioners who are willing and able to work effectively, and today there is no alternative to them. That is why, based on the complexity of the requirements of the pension legislation during the past school year, we implemented a set of measures in order to maintain this category of teachers without losing their scientific pension. However, we should be more strongly rejuvenate the teaching staff, avoiding stagnation in human resources, which, unfortunately, is the case in a number of divisions of the university.

During the last four years we rank all the teachers from the heads of departments to the assistants, on the basis of the ratings of the departments. Experience of implementing this system proves that, despite the need for further improvements, it has a positive effect on the formation of a new consciousness of teachers, helps motivate them to work. In the near future, the ratings increased by one component, which will be based on a survey of students regarding the ability of the teacher to teach them, to be a partner in the complex process of transferring new knowledge. First experience of this rating activity will be obtained by the implementation of a pilot project in IASA. In the future, criteria for evaluating the work of teachers should be improved, used "address" to promote and encourage moral divisions and most importantly - the teachers-innovators.

During eight last years we perform comprehensive monitoring of the quality of the residual knowledge of students in the basic and special disciplines, the quality of the graduation projects and reviews of employers. During this time, the monitoring covered more than 70,000 students, 146 specialties,1230 disciplines. According to the results of monitoring the department have each semester implement a comprehensive analysis of their work and constantly improve it.

One of the most important factors determining the quality of the teaching and research activities, is the level of its financial and logistical support. In difficult economic conditions, we tried to increase the size of the salaries of teachers and educational support staff. For example, the average salary of teachers in the last academic year increased by 19.2%, while the average salary of all employees of the KPI by 6.7%. In this case, the average teaching load of teachers remained at the level of 750 hours.

Dear Colleagues, Since the beginning of September 2012 the system"e-campus" is started, which has significantly increase the efficiency of the educational process. Today, therefore, it is important for completing the form and content of virtual classrooms for teachers and making use of the system "e-campus" all the teachers and students, without exception. It is also necessary to continue further development and operation of information sites departments, institutes and faculties, including the English-language resources.

An important task is to further develop our own publishing facilities. Over the past five years publishing "Politehnica" tripled edition methodical maintenance of educational process, increasing it from 347 publications in the 2007-2008 school year to 1,137 in the current. In the future, we should increase the number of electronic publications on all training programs, to create a full-scale digital learning environment, to develop elements of remote training students, lower production costs and increase competivity of our publishing house.

Dear Colleagues, Educational work, as in previous years, was aimed at creating a professional, highly cultured, physically healthy young patriots of our country.

For a long time, the monitoring of the implementation of the curriculum students is carried out through each semester appraisal. Almost 73% of the students have time to fully and successfully pass the session in a timely manner. Number of excellent is more than 8%. Analysis of the performance of foreign students on the results of the sessions generally indicates compliance of their knowledge of the university requirements.

In the next step, we will expand the practice of educating our students, graduate students and young researchers in the best universities in Europe and the world for the dual degree program and exchange. Total number of students KPI who study abroad in the last year increased by 1.5 times and now stands at 153 people who are educated in 7 double degree programs and 4 exchange programs. The most popular are the double degree program with the University of Le Mans (France) and the University of Otto von Guericke (Germany), and an exchange program with University College Gjøvik (Kingdom of Norway). The greatest activity in education abroad was showed by the students FCT, FMM, IESEM, FICT, FE.

Leisure students KPI is organized through sporting, cultural, social work, a series of trainings, relay races, contests, competitions and events that are not only proposed, but also organized and provided by the students themselves.

Twice a year, the KPI held a job fair. More than 30 companies and enterprises take part in this action, and more than 3,300 students enroll at these fairs,which help them in finding employment.

It is important student participation in international and Ukrainian competitions in various disciplines. Over the past five years, almost doubled the number of university students who took active part in them. For example, last year, about 50 students KPI won prizes in 80 such contests. This summer student IV year IASA Eugene Polishchuk won I place in the World Mathematics Olympiad of classical universities in the Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria).

Important for the image of the KPI are: International Olympiad students Programming "KPI Open», Competition «Intel-Techno Ukraine" Summer School "Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and Physics", competition of students of technical universities in Europe - BEST and others. All these measures are organized with the active participation of students.

To increase the patriotism of our youth, their social responsibility, traditional activities that create our custom university spirit are carried out in the KPI. Among them: Freshman Day, Competitions "Queen KPI", "Mr. KPI", "The League of KVN KPI", art song festivals and creative teams of amateur students and teachers "Talents KPI" and other events.

Health improvement of students - an important area of activity of the university. KPI is making significant efforts to improve the physical fitness programs, health prevention, recovery recreation "Mayak", "Sosnovy", "Polytechnic", "Globus".

In the past academic year, the KPI has significantly expanded its presence in the media. The popularity of the "Radio KPI" was increased significantly, also increased communication students in social networks "Vkontakte" and Facebook. Today, 68% of students receive KPI information solely from social networks. University channel on YouTube has provided in the past year, 196 000 visits per year. In addition, the KPI has concluded a cooperation agreement with the Ukrainian segment of the free encyclopedia "Wikipedia" for our students to participate in its development and enhancement of current scientific knowledge.

Unfortunately, in a large family-polytechnic students different types of offenses have occured. But the joint efforts of departments, institutes, and student government in recent years managed to reach a steady downward trend. Number of serious offenses is decreased 10 times.

An important area of motivation of training and social work students is their scholarship and social security. Almost unchanged over the last years, the proportion of students receiving scholarship - it's 83%. In addition, the KPI is constantly expanding system of nominal and personal fellowship. Now 180 students get personal scholarships KPI; 8 - Future Scholarship President of Ukraine; 2 - scholarship of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; 7 - Scholarship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. More than 25 students have become winners of scholarships of Kurchatov, "Energoatom", personal fellowship Bank "Nadra" and the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Dmytro Andriievskii.

One of the most important activity in the University is the Institute of supervision. After all, young people, being in the great metropolis, faced with the complex requirements of the University, with the risks of the city, with the temptations of youth protection, in dire need of advice and help from their older colleagues. Sometimes these tips can save the inexperienced student of expulsion and even fatal actions. Unfortunately, about 16% of the students KPI do not even know who their supervisor.

Developing democratic governance, we need to improve the activities of the student government. The peculiarity of this work is not petty sermon students, because they are mostly conscious and patriotic people. We need to improve the system itself, this work on the basis of increasing confidence in young people, involvement in important issues, university life, adoption of fair and transparent partnerships between teachers and students. However, in this work we still have large untapped reserves, because every fifth student KPI still knows nothing about the Student Council, about any of the student trade unions.

Dear delegates, In the last academic year, we continued to improve the research activities of the University in three areas: the implementation of research, enrich the learning process of new scientific facts and data, the development of innovation.

Formation of scientific subjects in our university is traditionally carried out a multi-channel scheme. Total funding of science in the last year exceeded 70 million UAH, of which 44% was the share of budget funding to implement the 57 fundamental and 94 applied research. By order of 92 companies 132 contracts for the work and 725 contracts for the scentific-technical services were performed, including Kiev holds 83 contractual works.

One of the main tasks of the university is to train highly qualified scientific personnel. In the past educational year at graduate, postgraduate and doctoral KPI learned to 1,038 people (703 - full-time, 148 - part-time), including doctoral trained 33 doctoral students and 22 searchers. Last year, 156 people have completed graduate and doctorate at the end of the year, only 12 people, 25 people applied dissertation for consideration by specialized scientific councils. There were defended 16 doctoral and 83 master's theses. This, unfortunately, is less than the year before. However, the dynamics of the protection in the first half of 2013 allows us to be optimistic about this figure to the end of the year.

The special mission of science in the CPI - is its integration with the educational process. In the past year increased the number of students participating in the implementation of R & D: 4521 compared to 4113 in 2011. Also increased the number of students working in science with the payment of up to 256 people, compared to 244 the year before.

On the basis of the results of scientific research 184 new courses (including 27 distance learning courses, including 2 in English language) have been implemented in the learning process and more than 170 disciplines updated. Content of the three new specialties is developed. 283 new labs and 87 training workshops prepared for the academic year. Using the results of research 30 books and 232 textbooks approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine were published.

An important measure of the quality of scientific activity KPI is the international recognition of the achievements of our scientists. In scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science, we have a positive trend for this indicator has increased over the past four years, the number of cited publications in 3493 to 6136 and the corresponding indices Hirsh from 25 to 31 Our professors A.A. Fokin and S.M. Peresada included in the list of 100 the most cited scientists of Ukraine. But compared with other universities of Ukraine KPI is only in fifth position on the international citation index in the database Scopus. This is due to the fact that 40% of our professors do not printed in reputable international journals.

Having gain in previous years some experience of project implementation and cooperation with partners of the Science Park, in the past academic year, we have made the first attempt to innovate on a fundamentally new basis. It's about holding the festival of innovative projects in order to implement an effective mechanism for commercialization of scientific and technological development through the creation of small innovative companies - the so-called start-ups. The competition attracted 107 teams of scientists, teachers, graduate students, university students and employees of high-tech companies in Ukraine.

Science and Technology Library has expanded its collection for 14036 textbooks, forming at the same time its own electronic resources and access to third-party funds.

State Polytechnic Museum was operating successfully, adding to its collection five thousand items, including the Yak-40, conducted in the year 650 excursions more than 20 000 visitors, mostly students of secondary schools in Ukraine. Continued scientific readings from "The Well-known designers of Ukraine", dedicated to the Anatoly Alexandrov, Dmitry Lorenz, Alexander Nudelman, Gregory Kisunko, Alexander Ivchenko, Ivan Drongo. Based on materials from scientific readings from 2008 published a multi-volume edition of "Outstanding designers of Ukraine." The fourth volume was printed this year.

Achievings of students and university employees were awarded state awards, decrees and orders of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In total 70 students, teachers and scholars of the KPI were noted. Yuri Ivanovich Yakymenko was awarded Order "For Merit" first degree . Olympic and XVII World Summer Universiade in Kazan champion, student FBB Natalia Dovgodko was awarded the Order "For merits» II degree.

Professor Lyubov Kesova (FHPE), Alexander Rybin (FRE), Associate Professor Vladimir Semenovich Vuntesmeri (FRE), Olexander Zinchenko (ESITS, posthumously) and Olexandra Shmireva (Institute of Electronics, posthumously) were awarded State Prizes of Ukraine in Science and Technology. Two works of young scientists - Olexander A. Ohrimenko and Natalia Yudina were noted by Prizes of the President of Ukraine. Allow me to congratulate our colleagues and wish them further success.

Dear friends! During the last academic year, the university continued to expand international operations, which is an integral part of the development strategy of the KPI. Efforts were intensified to work with the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Poland, Russia, Germany, France, Japan, Cuba, China, Kazakhstan. Meetings with the ambassadors of these countries, government delegations, university rectors, partners, delegations of professional and business circles were held, new projects were started. Cooperation agreements with the Harbin Institute of Technology and Shenyang Aerospace University (China), Central European University (Slovakia), Riga Technical University (Republic of Latvia), and others were concluded.

On this basis, greatly expanded academic mobility of young teachers and scholars of the KPI. An important result is the opening of this year Centre for Cleaner production, taking part of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, IESEM, IASA in 3 projects FP7 of EU, attended by more than 100 students, teachers and young researchers from 15 departments in the exchange program «Erasmus Mundus».

The weak link in this work is the lack of participation of many departments KPI. First of all departments and leading scientists have to master the methodology of receiving foreign grants, which, incidentally, is a very important source for the development of science universities in Europe and the world. Significant reserve for us is to encourage students to international activities.

Dear Colleagues, Administrative and economic and social services, the University conducted intensive work aimed at the retention and development of material and technical base, the creation of appropriate social environment for students and staff of the KPI.

Despite the fact that last year was difficult financially, the university completed a significant amount of construction works in 8 academic buildings and 12 dormitories, completed the renovation of the recreation center "Sosnovy" makes updating the squre of Knowledge, built two monuments outstainding polytechnics and two sculptures symbolizing activity KPI, continued work on the landscaping, modernizing and upgrading the campus local area network.

Number of departments of the university completed a significant amount of work at their own expense - MITI, FICT, FL, FHPE, campus, Center for Physical Education and Sport - in total 4.5 million UAH. I also want to acknowledge the good work of the Production and Operational industrial complex and the RBU. They performed the repair and construction work, carried out comprehensive measures in exploitation material base KPI and land, made furniture and energy efficient windows for academic buildings and dormitories.

Campus KPI is a complex social organism, in which 20 student hostels are located. There is also student clinic, sanatorium, the pedestrian zone on the street. Polytechnique, two student gardens and a small core of sport. The campus is the home about 13,000 students. Under the auspices of campus a sports camp "Polytechnic" operates. Campus workforce held a huge amount of repair work, the transformint of hostels on the individual Heat points using energy-saving equipment, landscaping the campus and student gardens.

But it is very important that in recent years, the campus is not limited to administrative and economic activity. It began to carry out a very important social and educational work with students, which is already yielding positive results.

Question of efficient use of energy resources today is an important task of the KPI. A program of energy conservation is already yielding results. Over the past academic year has been reduced amounts of thermal energy consumption by 7.2%, and electricity by 5.9%, the cold water of 1.4%. However, a possible reserve of energy savings is still very large. Therefore, the heads of departments, together with the services of the chief engineer should be strictly adhere to perform energy saving program KPI for 2012-2015, and to develop their local plans of action to maintain positive trends achieved in the last year

University prepared recreation centers "Mayak", "Polytechnic", "Sosnovy", "Globus", where over the summer period 978 employees and their families and 1312 undergraduate and graduate students for a total of 2,290 people improved their health.

During the year, the social problems of polytechnics were solving. Financial assistance of more than 12 million UAH was paid. For single veterans KPI targeted assistance program acted, they were provided with free meals. But the housing problem started to deteriorate. Today, more than 110 of our employees need to improve their living conditions, they are included in the checklists. Housing commission KPI working on new projects of construction investment.

Dear friends! Entering into a new school year, we need to define targets for this year and for the near future. They apply to all areas of our business.

Social, human dimension of development of the university was and continues to be the determined dominant when the economic and social instability. It is attentive, sensitive attitude to everyone, maintaining an atmosphere of creativity, cooperation and mutual assistance among the members of our team, to protect the dignity and academic freedom of teachers, students, researchers and staff, their freedom of expression.

In academic work, as before, the main task will be to provide high quality training based on the deep integration of educational, scientific and innovative processes, working closely with the high-tech labor market.

We have to improve the selection of talented young people through the system of pre-university training program "Ukraine's Future", to expand cooperation with the Small Academy of Sciences, with schools, colleges and technical scools.

We should continue to work to improve the skills of teachers, organizing special training programs for them, combining their teaching and research.

Necessary to improve teaching and educational work among the students, including among foreign students, creating an international environment at the university, increasing the level of scientific, intellectual, cultural and patriotic education of students, broaden students participation in European and national scholarship programs, in obtaining grants at all levels.

Further work is needed to create an integrated information system of the educational process and the management of the university, to ensure further development and operation of information sites departments, including the English-language resources.

Scientific work should be directed to obtain the final result, to attract to it the majority of teachers and students in order to achieve each unit results that meet the criteria of a research university.

In this area, should create conditions for the implementation of cutting-edge research breakthroughs, improve the quantity and quality of research training, strengthen the adoption of unified program "Master - Doctor of Philosophy," to intensify the innovative component, based on Science Park "Kyiv Polytechnic", bring into line with international requirements scientific journals KPI, improve the level of citation of the university scientists and ratings KPI in the world scientometric databases Scopus, Web of Science, Webometrix.

In international activities should expand cooperation with partner universities, implementing programs of academic mobility. Continue the establishment of joint international centers, to expand scientific cooperation of teachers, researchers and students KPI with foreign partners. Enhance the participation units of the university in foreign grants, including projects in FP7 EU programs «Tempus» and «Erasmus Mundus». Improve the quality of training of personal, which can organize and implement international projects.

Maintenance services need to continue the program of development of the third stage of the university, with special emphasis on the quality of the infrastructure created, improving operation of facilities, improving the control of energy conservation, social issues of students and university staff.
Dear Colleagues, The challenges facing us, are quite tense. Together we will make it. I wish you success in this way, good health and creative achievements in the new academic year.
Thank you for your attention!