KPI provides training, guided by the needs of the labor market, the requirements of European quality assurance system, the relevant national system of licensing and accreditation, holds a leading position among the universities according to national and international rankings. That's why he has the status of a research university is traditionally one of the best local educational and research institutions.

Compliance with international standards of education provided, in particular, the introduction of a system of self-examination (Rector's control, state accreditation, monitoring, surveys of employers, etc.); double degree programs; students' participation in international events (Olympics, schools, competitions); cooperation with domestic and foreign partner universities and international accreditation organizations; implementation of internal quality assurance system.

To date, the "KPI" trains specialists in 55 fields, 116 specialties EQL "specialist" and 122 specialties EQL "master." Of them are accredited (as of 01.03.2014 ): direction of preparation - 55 (100%); specialties EQL "specialist" - 113 (97.4%); specialties EQL "master" - 118 (96.7%). The University is recognized as an accredited status of the university IV level (MES of Ukraine order of 01.07.2013 g .. № 2494l). 107 departments of the university (81.7%), including 99 graduating (87.6%) was drawn to conduct accreditation

Quality of applicants and the number of students. In the KPI as a research university training, demanded by the country's economy today, is based on the knowledge triangle: education - science - innovation. Quality of training includes five main components: quality of applicants and students, curriculum, personnel structure, the level of financial and material security, quality assessment system.

As for the applicants: admission to the university in the academic year was carried out in 123 specialties, the average number of applicants contest - 7.34. Among our freshmen 25% had an average score of EIE 162-172; 27% - 16% of points 173-183 - 184-190 points; 8% - 190,5-195 points; 5% - 195,5-199,5 score that is significantly higher than the average for Ukraine. Share of graduates of pre-university training system (SPT) "KPI" in the total number enrolled in the first year - 32% (previous year - 31%). In the academic year 2013/14 total number of students in the SPT "KPI" (with lyceum classes) is 2500. According to preliminary data, the vast majority of them wish to study at IASA, IPT, FICT, FAM, ESITS, FE. In 2013, 383 winners of Ukraine MAS competition, including students of NTU "KPI" - 99 people became freshmen of capital universities. They learn to FICT, IASA, IPT, FBB, FPE, FE, FAM and so on.

As for graduates. Requests for them in 2013 amounted to 128% (mostly in the FCT, FIDE, FPE, FHPE, etc.) employed - 99%. FHPE, IASA, FICT, FMM, ESITS are the best among institutions (faculties) according a comprehensive index of " reception-release ". Most graduates work in IT technology, engineering, power engineering, radio electronics, instrument and so on. According to the center, "Socio +" more than 60% of employers believe the selection of qualified personnel important issue, with 90% of graduates KPI qualifications meet the requirements of 97% - have a high level of training. The disadvantages are still referred to as the lack of practical training skills with official documents, possession of modern software, foreign languages and more.

The quality of the teaching staff depends on the training of highly qualified personnel through postgraduate (doctoral), the requirements for competitive election of academic staff, enhance their skills, training, compliance with the rating the performance evaluation system. Comprehensive system of indicators used for ranking academic staff. It includes teaching work, valued at 450 points (45%); research and innovative work - 450 points (45%); organizational and educational - 100 points (10%).

Compliance with the requirements of accreditation. Unfortunately, 36 graduate departments do not meet these requirements. Deficit of doctors is 40 people. Four departments are headed not by Doctor of Science, and there is no PhD or Professor in staff of the Department (department of the organization of publishing -IPP, printing and book distribution; machines and apparatus of printing production - IPP; cybernetics chemical-technological processes - FCT, information and measurement technology - FASS). 12 heads of departments are not PhDs. No PhD or professor (except head of the department) to 28 departments. At present, 89 departments are no doctoral students, 17 - graduate students, 35 departments in 2017 are not planned doctoral theses, 16 - candidate. At the same time, there are the departments with a high rate of graduate (doctoral): Metal Physics, Acoustics and acoustoelectronics, optical and optoelectronic devices, mathematical methods of system analysis and others.

In recent years, the average age of the teaching staff decreased slightly (see. Chart on p. 4). Today it is 50 years (2013 - 50.3): 1.3% of teachers are aged 20-24; 26.7% of those aged 25-35 years; 15.4% of those aged 36-45 years; 15.4% of those aged 46-55 years; 22.5% of those aged 56-65 years; 14.6% of those aged 66-75 years. In KPI "youngest" age of teachers is FL (42.3 years); IPP,FMM,FBB,ESІТS, most honorable - FEPEA,IESEM,FPM,FASS, FRE (55.8 years). We have 49 departments, which are leaded by professor over 65 years, and 64 chairs, whose heads are up to 65 years. Only 48 departments have reserve (PhD under 65 years) at the head of the office. Deficiency of doctors to create a general reserve - 37 people.

The good news is was a steady decrease in the average age of University Academic staff.

Quality of educational programs, scientific and methodical provision is based on the introduction of through integrated training Bachelor - Master - PhD (PhD); high requirements for master's programs; "quota" on the number of graduates; modern teaching development; new information technology education; system of independent monitoring and evaluation of knowledge and skills of students (including employers); State certification of graduates; international integration curriculum. An innovative component of training of specialists includes programs for bachelors, masters; course projects, bachelor thesis projects and practical guidance, Master's thesis; practical training; preparing candidates for integrated plans (master - PhD); scientific work of students; joint innovation targeted projects with industry.

Confirmation of high authority CPD in higher education is the creation and functioning of the university-based scientific-methodical commission MES: system analysis; Computer Science and Engineering; automation and control; engineering and materials processing; Energy and Power Engineering; electrical engineering; electronics; radio engineering, radio-electronic devices and communications; metrology, measurement technology and information-measuring technologies; information security.

Over the past year the in tne University were made structural changes of departments, were opened new specializations in the departments of sociology and law, and biomedical engineering. In particular, were opened new specializations: at the Institue of Energy Saving and Energy Management IEE - "Municipal Energy Management" specialty "Power management"; in the departments of FSL - "Information Law" specialty "Jurisprudence"; "E-Government in the administration of" specialty "Administrative Management"; "Sociology of modernization and technological development of" specialty "Sociology".

By comprehensive monitoring of the quality of training in the "KPI" for 17 rounds (2005-2013) were covered 74,857 students, 146 specialties, 1546 disciplines. 318 thousans works were tested and processed on the base of rector's control of quality of residual knowledge of the basic, professionally oriented, humanitarian and professional disciplines.

Total enrollment in KPI of masters in 2013 - 1563 person (in 2012 - 1748, in 2011 - 1391). High competition in Masters admission was observed on FMM, FAM, FL, FRE. 27 of 105 departments have accepted students without competition (45 last year).

Characteristics of scientific reserve: enrolled in the graduate school of the University of masters 128 people; enrolled in the group of scientific reserve 87 people, daily postgraduates under the state order - 148 people. Of them left to work in KPI: pedagogical work on- 64 people, scientific and administrative - 28 Seven institutions (faculties) provides training in the integrated program "Master" - "PhD", which provides a productive scientific work and study on a selected topic of research aimed the final result.

In the KPI has double degree program with universities in eight countries: Germany - FE, ESITS FICT, FW, IME; France - FPM, FCT, FMM, FICT, IPT, IASA, FAM; Korea - IESEM, FBE; Bulgaria - FICT; Brazil - FW; Czech Republic - FICT; Greece - NTUU "KPI"; Slovakia - NTUU "KPI". KPI 67 students traveled for education abroad in 2013.

Now in its eighth year Summer School "Achievements and Applications of Contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and Physics" (AACIMP) works at the university. In the past year, the program consisted of three parts: applied computer science (Applied Computer Science); Neuroscience (Neuroscience); modern operations research (Operational Research). Summer School 2013 was attended by 73 participants from 20 countries, 29 professors and scholars from 10 countries, taught in it. More than 30 volunteers - students "KPI", members of the Scientific Society of undergraduate and graduate students organized its work. Summer School 2013 is supported by leading international and Ukrainian companies and organizations. The university has also implemented training projects for international programs: TEMPUS, ERASMUS MUNDUS, DAAD, 100 + 100 + 100, and additional local training courses. In particular, it was the spring course for graduate students "Innovation for Sustainable Development" (TEMPUS-CREDO), lecture, "Machine Learning", "neurodynamics. Mechanisms of neuronal rhythms" and others.

Skills development in the divisions of NTUU"KPI". Total number of students who attended the training program in 2013 is 1949 people. Including on the basis of educational and methodical complex "Institute of Continuing Education" - 811 persons, Center PC Ministry of Energy and Mines managers and specialists - 744, IESEM Energy Training Center - 143, Center control panel of experts in information security - 110 people etc.In 2013 512 employees NTUU"KPI" improved their skills on the basis of CMD "IPO".

Further improvement of the educational process at the University connected with the development of laboratory facilities, funding material and technical re-introduction of modern software and hardware, computerization of NTUU KPI.

At the end of February, the total number of classrooms in the CPI is 1807, auditoriums - 476, laboratories - 958, computer classes - 217, methodical studies - 64 reading rooms - 15 (1.5 thousand places) grade course and graduation projects - 64 Over the past year significantly increased the number of teaching laboratories.

Achievement of the University is to create a joint units NTUU "KPI" with the leading companies for training, retraining and advanced training of specialists. Today there are: laboratory "Microsoft-KPI" (FIVT); Academy CISCO (IASA, FICT); laboratory "Motorola-KPI" (FASS, FAM); laboratory IPP "Media of Ukraine"; Ukrainian-Japanese Center; Ukrainian-Korean Center; centers KPI-EPAM (FICT, IASA, FAM, FHPE); laboratory RIGAKU; center NTUU"KPI" - DELCAM PLC (IME); Training Center NTUU"KPI-festo" (IME); educational and training center
NTUU "KPI" -NAAS (IME); Laboratory circuitry and microprocessor systems (FBE); Research Laboratory of functional reserves of the human body (FBE) and others.

Publishing. Expert Council on academic publications in 2013 examined 138 manuscripts are recommended for the award of titles: MES - 7 books and 33 textbooks; "KPI" - 46 textbooks, 13 lecture courses, distance learning courses and 16 others. 5 textbooks, 25 manuals, 47 training programs, 50 scientific publications, 37 periodicals, 32 reference publications, 750 other types of printed materials have been published in "Politehnica" last year.

Implementation of "e-campus" KPI "continues at the university. At the end of February the total number of users of the EC was about 32,114 of them - 24208 students, teachers - The system of EC 2972. uploaded 48192 electronic learning materials, to the use of EC intermingled studenty- foreigners are monitored statistics and information resources for the rating activity in the Webometrics. According to the results of the quarterly monitoring of the best in the university network sites have IASA, IESEM, IPT, FHPE, ESITS.

What is needed. I consider it necessary to note further steps to improve the quality of education and the learning process in the "KPI".

1. The work should focus on the deep integration of educational, research and innovation processes, improving the quality of the teaching staff and the number of students, the introduction of new teaching methods and technologies, strengthen basic and practical training.
2. Continue to improve the structure of training, including the opening of new specialties and specializations.
3. Ensure update personnel, using a system of competitive elections and the rating evaluation of teachers; introduce an effective system of personnel reserve, attracting post-graduates and graduate to teaching.
4. Constantly monitor indicators ranking evaluation units, improve the system of evaluation, monitoring and level of training.
5 Continue the implementation of educational projects and cooperation projects TEMPUS, directing their results on the development of all departments (institutions). Expand the range of double degree programs, student and staff mobility, collaboration with universities in Ukraine and the world.
6 To ensure the further development of the laboratory base units, to continue the practice of establishing joint educational and research centers and laboratories with international and domestic enterprises and organizations, attracting international grants and projects.
7. Ensure participation of all educational and research units to conduct career guidance activities and maintaining databases for talented young people - members of the "Future of Ukraine" Junior Academy of Science, students of Pre-University and others.
8 Continue the work on building training programs for PhD (PhD) and preparation integrated training program "Master" - "PhD".
9. Continue to work with employers on the basis of existing and new collaborative agreements, widely involve representatives of enterprises and organizations in the educational process and state certification of graduates of the university.
10. To consider one of the defining performance of their departments participation in the system of post-university education for the implementation of the extended training of specialists (second degree) and training, including through the conclusion of direct contracts with enterprises.
11 Continue work on the international mobility of students, to create new English program for foreign students; continue the practice of summer schools and a broader participation of foreign participants and others.
12. Improve work to create an integrated information system of educational process and university management.
13 Introduce a system of identifying certification works and engaging in the activities of Masters of Science Park "Kyiv Polytechnic" in conjunction with partner companies.

Yu.Yakymenko, first rector, academician of NAS of Ukraine