Sincere Greetings for New Year 2014! May Peace, Happiness, Family Warmth, Inspiration and Success be yours during this year. Year 2013 is at its close. For us this year was difficult, full of hard work, but yet successful. This year gave us new achievements and new challenges, new discoveries and new disappointment, new experiences and new developments. And this is how things should be, as it is life.

We achieved good results in many areas of our work, especially in training specialists for the national economy, science and innovation. Leading international companies and honored organizations such as UN, UNESCO, UNIDO were interested in our projects. Many developments of “KPI” experts in the field of water treatment, energy, aerospace industry, cyber security, nanotechnology, materials science and others were presented at international and national forums, conferences, exhibitions and so on.

Students of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute achieved outstanding results in a variety of contests, academic competitions and sports. We are proud of our winners!

Dear friends! It is believed that New Year is a family holiday. It's true: the magic night of hope and faith in miracle gives a feeling of family warmth and mutual love. Let this feeling be with you throughout 2014. And, let it become the year when your dreams and wishes come true, let it meet your expectations, bring prosperity to your families!
Wishing you good health, inspiration and success in all your activities.

Sincerely yours, Rector of NTUU “KPI” Michael Zgurovsky

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