May,24 in NTU "KPI" the international seminar of the project «PICTURE» of 7th Framework Programme of the European Union in the field of information and communication technologies was held. Its participants were experts and representatives of non-governmental organizations, universities, research institutions and companies in Ukraine, Russia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, Belarus, Greece and France.

The aim of the project «PICTURE» - strengthening cooperation between the European Union and the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the field of information and communication technologies. Therefore the theme of the seminar dealt with the specific directions and methods of such cooperation in the framework of «HORIZON 2020", which sets the main objectives and priorities of the European Commission in the field of research and innovation for the period up to 2020. The slogan of the "Strategy for growth and work" and the main direction of the strategy - "Excellent science", "modern industry" and "Best Company" succinctly describes its ideology and direction.

Workshop participants were welcomed by Vice-Rector of NTU "KPI" National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yuriy Yakimenko and coordinator of the project «PICTURE» at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Svetlana Klesova.

Speeches, presentations and discussions of the experts, scholars and representatives of companies operating in the information and communications relating to European programs corresponding direction, the scope and priorities of research capacity and national structures in Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the field of key technologies and information management , to discuss the action plan and matching circuits scientific priorities of the European Technology platform with the priorities of the Eastern Europe and Central Asia, in line with the objectives of the Program «HORIZON 2020", etc.

After the end of the discussion and approval of joint research priorities and activities of the participants visited the State Polytechnic Museum at NTU "KPI".

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