Heorhii Lutskyi was an outstanding teacher, scientist, one of the founders of the school of computer science in Ukraine, a follower of the great deeds of Oleksii Ivakhnenko and Kostiantyn Samofalov, a long-term head of the Department of Computer Science of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

For almost 60 years, the scientific school of Ivakhnenko, Samofalov, and Lutsky has trained 50 doctors and more than 350 candidates of science, 8000 specialists in the field of computer science, cybernetics, and informatics.

“Heorhiy Mykhailovych Lutskyi's contribution to the development of science, education and technology is invaluable. Heorhiy Mykhailovych's students and followers continue his work, applying the knowledge and experience gained in their activities. This loss will resonate in the hearts of many people who had the honor of working with him or studying under his guidance,” says KPI Rector Mykhailo Zgurovsky.

The name of Heorhiy Mykhailovych Lutskyi will forever be remembered in the history of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Eternal memory to him!

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