In the last century the great scientist II Mechnikov physiologist, described one of the components - the carrier of natural immunity - the so-called complement. If enough of the blood complement protective substance, it is protected from infectious diseases, and if sick, then quickly recovers. It is more functional, joyful, do not get tired at work, if it happens any poisoning, it passes quickly.

Scientists have long studied factors of protecting the body, including the level of complement in the blood and found that it reduced for reasons that are easy to prevent - is primarily an inflammatory process in the body, such as angina and chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and otitis, diseases gums and teeth, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder.

Most notably, as in diseases such as angina or exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis complement of blood allegedly weathered reduced. Because of this, doctors advise always worry about replenishing the body's defenses (this promotes the use of vitamins, including vitamin C, or ascorbic acid). There is a direct correlation: the use of medicines and, eating a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid improves the condition of complement levels in the blood. From prevention to not to fall ill, for example, angina or flu, people age 16 and over must take at least 10 days each month and 1 g per day of ascorbic acid - is 0.3 g three times a day, preferably with food ( all year long).

Especially affecting low immunity factors such as smoking, alcohol and drugs. Negative factors affect not only at the level of complement, but also on the nervous system, especially in the visual, hearing, vision, incidence of stomach ulcers, arterial hypertension and others.

Healthy people are known to be of anything - overload, extreme tension. A man who lost health is especially important to give up bad habits. If you can not overcome yourself, you can seek the assistance of the Center of health, but the main thing - constantly work on themselves. Take a multivitamin, ascorbic acid, use fortified diet, try to positive emotions include in your exercise regimen, swimming pool or natural water, fresh air, exercise. And then people spiritually and physically gaining strength, health, confidence in life.

M.V.Shamardak, head of student clinics