Last year it passed 80 years from the time of association in the structure of Kiev Industrial Institute engineering, energetic and chemical-technological institutes, which were founded on the basis of KPI. General science management in the newly founded Kiev Industrial Institute was concentrated in the research center that was organized in the summer 1934 and later it was currently named as a research department. At the research part there were organized such experimental productions as shops for precision instruments` production, a small plant producing electric filter capacitors and a foundry. On the base of mentioned productions there was organized production of different devices that were developed by the researchers of the institute departments.

Subjects of research projects were formed from:

  • State budget themes that were proved with the Main Department of the Ministry educational institutions
  • Economical themes under the contracts with different enterprises
  • Themes for Institute money that was formed from the deductions of economical contracts` themes and profits of capacitors production

It is not an extra accent in the initial history of the research sector, especially considering the modern concept, to have the fact that on June 23, 1936 it was adopted a special resolution of the country leaders concerning the development of research activity at the higher educational institutions including state budget financing of science in them.

Due to the made state decisions research work was activated as in 1934 only 20 departments from 34 were doing the research work. In 1937 almost all departments were researching 196 themes including 150 themes from the state budget, 38 – economical contracts and 8 – for Institutes’ money.    

One of elements of state budget themes were dissertation researches, number of graduate students increased from 26 in 1936 till 37 in 1937 and 67 in 1939. In 1939 researches on themes of Doctoral and Candidate dissertations were made by 92 persons.

Achievements of researchers in that time became the base for creation of research schools which got important research results and were well-known in the country. Among them there are works by Kolchevcsky about an integration of differential equations, Tetelbaum about efficiency increasing in radiotelephony, Schvets about research of steam flow in the turbines, Yavorsky about chloral hydrates production, Kholmsky about usage of transformers in high-voltage lines, etc. These are the traits to the portrait of KPI science of the first years` activity of research department.