Arthur Venyamynovych Prakhovnik (**12.1940, Gomelschina, Byelorussian SSR - 13.05.2012, Kiev) - Honored figure of science and technics of Ukraine, member of the New-Yorks Academy of Science, Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, the US institute IEEE, the Institute of international IREP (Dynamicelectric power system) in USA , Vice-President of the Association of European Union (Germany) holder of chair of electricity supply IEE NTU "KPI" Doctor of Engineering Science, professor, director of the Institute of Energy Saving and energy management

Праховник Артур Веніамінович виступає на конференціїПраховник А.В. з Винославським В.М. та колегамиВідкрито аудиторію ім. А.В.Праховника