In order to improve the qualification level of workers of the schools that operate in a unified state electronic database on education (hereinafter - USEDE), state enterprise "Inforesurs" held the second cycle PRACTICAL INFORMATION (Training) COURSES for administrators and operators of the institution to work in USEDE.

The training of the educational workers of the institutions, that operate in USEDE was completed in NTUU "KPI". The state enterprise "Inforesurs" carried out the courses.

It was the second cycle of information and practical (training) course on work in USEDE administrators and operators of the institution

The course was held in the Kyiv at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" in December 2014. The workshop was attended by 110 managers (operators) USEDE of universities from all regions of Ukraine, which have submitted applications.

The focus of the training course organizers paid to the order of introduction in USEDE general information about the school, data entry training, the educational process orders and issue certificates of education, student tickets. The key updated modules of USEDE, as well as the new ones were considered.

To consolidate the knowledge and skills after the theoretical course, students completed the practical tasks on computers. Also answers to questions about a USEDE were provided, tracked proposals for advanced functions.

In order to improve the program and receive feedback from the audience, the participants left their assessments of the quality of the course in USEDE module "Questionnaire".

As a result of the course, students received certificates of training to work in USEDE.

Later administrators of higher education institutions conduct classes for subordinate users.

The course program is located on site of SE "Inforesurs" (See "Information and practical (training) course" p.6.1.10 in a Sitemap,, Primary Training Course presentation - in USEDE in category "Loading information". Their use is permitted within the higher education institution (non-commercial purposes).

SE "Inforesurs" plans to conduct the next cycle Courses before admissions 2015.

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