Mykola Petrovych Chyrvinskyy (28.04 [10.05] .1848, Chernigov - 05/01/1920) - Professor, scholar and zoo-technician. He graduated from St. Petersburg Agricultural Institute (1872). During 1879-1894 he worked in Peter Agricultural and Forestry Academy, since 1891 he had been a Professor of zoo-technique department. In 1898-1919 he is a professor of agricultural faculty of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. From 1905 to 1906 years he was elected rector of KPI.

His main works are based on issues of animal feeding (digestibility of feed in animal organisms of all ages, the impact of mineral nutrients in animal body, especially the formation of fat, etc.), sheep (classification of domestic coarse rocks, etc.), growth and development of sheep and pigs in connection with various conditions of their maintaining and feeding.