“All great achievements
are born out of the courage
to cross the boundaries of what is known
what is known and comfortable.”
Michael Jordan

Despite the air raids, on April 25, 2024, the Faculty of Management and Marketing hosted the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Business, Innovation, Management: Problems and Prospects”, organized by the Department of Business Management. The conference brought together more than 170 educators, specialists, and students from many cities of Ukraine and abroad - Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Turkey. The main topic of discussion this year was the post-war recovery of Ukraine, the rapid pace of progress in the field of artificial intelligence, which not only opens up many new opportunities but also poses potential threats, which have been the subject of numerous studies and active discussions.


Management of enterprises and organizations in today's environment is one of the key factors of their success. Effective management allows to optimize resources, ensures business development, adaptation to changes in market conditions, increases competitiveness and stability of the enterprise. In addition, it ensures effective communication, helps to increase labor productivity and achieve strategic goals. Today, management is undergoing significant changes as new technologies and strategies change the way business is managed. Innovative approaches to management are becoming key, and managers are now actively looking for effective ways to implement new strategies in their work. Openness to technological changes and readiness for continuous learning are becoming important qualities of managers in today's business environment. Therefore, the purpose of this conference is to share leading experience and achievements in the field of theoretical and applied principles of business development and management.

The Head of the Department of Business Management, Doctor of Economics, Professor Victoria Dergachova, welcomed the conference participants and emphasized the importance of the contribution of educators, scientists and future professionals to the approaching Victory and the future revival of Ukraine, stressing their participation in the process of forming a conscious intellectual environment in society, finding ways to overcome the negative effects of the crisis, reconstruction and further economic development of the state.

The conference featured 42 presentations by participants representing domestic and foreign higher education institutions, enterprises and organizations: Poznan University of Technology, Wroclaw University of Technology, Kyiv University of Intellectual Property and Law, National University of Odesa Law Academy, DB Schenker in Ukraine, Dnipro State Technical University, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Association of International Freight Forwarders of Ukraine, Kharkiv Tile Plant, etc.

The presentations covered a wide range of issues related to the directions of Ukraine's post-war development and the possibilities of applying the experience of other countries that have successfully overcome this path. The speakers emphasized that taking into account the specifics of the local market, cultural and economic aspects helps to ensure the successful implementation of global experience, strategies and practices.

Experts noted that the success of organizing and running an international business depends on finding a balance between the interests of international stakeholders and consumers and local contact audiences: a violation of this balance can lead to losses for the company due to the loss of its reputation and customers.

The reports also pointed to the importance of Ukrainian companies entering the international market, as this creates additional opportunities for domestic companies. However, as the speakers noted, this requires an understanding of global trends and cultural peculiarities of different countries, as well as the ability to compete effectively with other participants. Proper preparation, which may require significant investments in marketing, market research and product adaptation to the needs of international consumers, will help companies avoid mistakes in international trade.

The speakers paid considerable attention to the impact of the development of artificial intelligence and digital technologies on business changes, as well as the prospects for their use in business. In particular, new opportunities for consumers to shop online using virtual and augmented reality technologies, innovative projects in logistics, warehouse management, and supply chains based on them were noted. The speakers also drew attention to the problems and dangers associated with the growing role of information technology. They emphasized the need to develop enterprise information security management to effectively protect confidential information, prevent cyberattacks, and maintain the trust of customers and partners.

After the plenary session, the professional discussions continued in the following sections: “Trends in Business and Management Development”, ‘Management of International Business in the Context of Globalization’, ‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship as the Basis of Economic Growth’, ‘Supply Chain Management in the Enterprise Development Strategy’.

Based on the results of the conference, a collection of abstracts of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Business, Innovation, Management: Problems and Prospects” was prepared, the materials of which are available on the website of the Department of Business Management.

Organizing committee of the of the conference

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