This is not the first time Ukraine has experienced terrible epidemics. From time to time they affected our territory and left detrimental consequences in the past. References of outbreaks of infectious diseases in our area can be found in fiction; it was written in newspapers and magazines about their development and overcoming at all times; There are some researches devoted to this subject. Moreover, the experience and some ways to manage epidemics, accumulated by people who lived before us, can be useful today. At least you should know about them. Moreover, there are opportunities for this, because today we have a fairly large amount of materials of domestic researchers on this topic.
Information about these works is summarized in a special issue of the "History of Ukraine" - "Epidemics in Ukraine: pages of history", which was prepared in the format of a bibliographic list and recently published by the National Historical Library of Ukraine. NHLU staff has selected sources that cover the outbreaks of previous epidemics in Ukraine in the past century and today. These studies are devoted to the quarantine measures taken by the previous government; organization of the fight against the terrible "Spanish flu", which during 1918-1920 claimed the lives of millions of people on our planet; measures to overcome the epidemics of cholera, plague, typhus; the issue of observance of daily hygiene and reduction of population losses; general issues of government work to prevent and stop epidemics, etc. The weblink to the full text of those sources is available and attached to the bibliographic records.

It is expected that this publication will be useful and interesting not only for researchers of the history of Ukraine and health-care professionals, but also for all those who have recently become interested in this extremely up-to-date topic. Follow the посиланнямlink