A fast-paced pathway of aerobic sports club “Talisman KPI” is regulated by academic activity and particular student life events. Everything starts in September and quites down at New Year holidays, then it bursts out in the period from February to June. This activity is training and contention-based and it depend on many factors. Every September there’s a student admission and in the end of the academic year aerobic masters graduate from the club.
Students of the technical university have only one training per week and only those who decide to visit lessons more frequently have a chance to become a member of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute picked team. When we invite students to the picked team, our task is to interest them in healthy living, sport activity that can lead to sport rank, new interesting friends, visiting foreign countries, trips in Ukraine, having another profession, realization of goals and get success in life. Unfortunately, the amount of willing students is less and less every year.