The Department of Biomedical Cybernetics (Medical Cybernetics and Telemedicine) was established at the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science in 2001.
In 2003, as a result of cooperation between the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" and the National Medical University named after OO The Faculty of Biomedical Engineering started its activity on the basis of the department. Valentyn Porfirovych Yatsenko was appointed the head of the department, under whose leadership the first enrollment of students took place in 2002. In 2009, Yevhen Nastenko became the head and still heads the department.
The educational process and research are performed by 21 employees, of which 10 are faculty members, 6 are support staff, and 5 faculty members work part-time. The department has 3 doctors of sciences, 7 candidates of sciences, 3 senior lecturers and 2 assistants without a degree.
The structure of the department is determined by the contingent of students, the nature and scope of educational, methodological, scientific, educational work. According to the educational and professional program, graduates of the department receive a qualification in the specialty 122 "Computer Science".
The training plan of the department includes a wide range of disciplines that provide in-depth knowledge in such fields of science as computer science (including programming, databases, web development, etc.), biomedical informatics, and data processing. The educational process is carried out according to the latest methods, technologies with the use of technical teaching aids.
Our training programs are based on the recommendations of the International Association of Computer Science (AFM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - CS2008 Curriculum Update: The Computing Curricula Computer Science Volume is complete and approved and CC 2010: Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Science Degree Programs in Computer and Computer Science Curricula 2013 (draft). Also, we take into account global and Ukrainian needs and trends in the health care system and teach students according to European standards in the field of medical and biological informatics and cybernetics.
After graduation, the objects of the professional activity of specialists are data analysis methods, modeling methods, tools for creating, testing and implementing software, database development methodology, etc. in various fields of science and technology, including health care. This includes the means of creating information and communication technologies aimed at improving the process of providing medical, diagnostic, and preventive care to patients.
Graduates acquire the competencies of software developer and systems analyst, armed with modern information technology. The learning process makes possible the further professional future of students not only in the field of IT technologies and computer systems development but also in the field of health care by creating means to optimize the process of medical care.
Research of the department staff is conducted on a wide range of tasks of biomedical cybernetics, including computer support of biomedical research, development of software and hardware systems for assessing the state of the organism, and ending with information and educational technologies. Research is underway to create new methods of modeling and classification, the results of which are confirmed by experimental tests on real data provided by organizations with which the department cooperates.
The atmosphere of scientific research and generation of ideas, the main thing in which is practical orientation, constructiveness, clear awareness of realization, confidence in obtaining the effect, attracts students and young professionals. This ensures high-quality graduation theses, most of which are defended at "excellent". During the work of the department, three candidate dissertations were defended under the guidance of the teaching staff.
The Department of Biological Cybernetics has been successfully operating for more than 12 years. During this time, more than 300 high-quality specialists in computer technology and modeling in biology and medicine have been trained. Today graduates of the department can be found in academic and educational institutes, at the enterprises Materialize Ukraine, Epam Systems, GlobalLogic, Samsung and others.
The Department of Biomedical Cybernetics (Medical Cybernetics and Telemedicine) was established at the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science in 2001.
The department actively cooperates with GMDH LLC on data analysis, forecasting, modeling, classification, clustering and time series analysis.