Free drinking water in KPI: care about health and ecology

Today, access to high-quality drinking water is important aspect worries about health and comfort. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute takes care about their own students, staff and visitors, providing free of charge cleaned drinking water on the university`s campus.

KPI students develop a unique water filter

KPI students are developing the first Ukrainian ceramic filter that will purify water even from a swamp or infected with bacteria. It will allow defenders at the front to always have clean water.

Solving the problem of clean water

On November 14-15, 2019, the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Clean Water. Fundamental, Applied and Industrial Aspects" was held at our university.

MAN Conference on Freshwater Conservation and Water Treatment

On May 17-18 the Third Scientific and Practical Conference within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Student Project "Freshwater Conservation and Water Treatment as Components of Sustainable Development of Ukraine" was held at the basis of XTF faculty of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institu

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