Kyiv polytechnic carries out international project to boost resilience of local communities

The National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" in partnership with the Poznan University of Technology (Poland) is implementing a large-scale international project entitled "Community Empowerment: Crisis-Ready Solutions". Funded by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme (NATO SPS G6119), the project is intended to strengthen the resilience to crisis challenges of local communities in Ukraine and Poland.

Sergiy Voitko: "I'm used to work hard while studying at RTF"

Head of the Department of International Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Sergiy Vasilievich Voitko in 2006 received the title of "Assistance Lecturer Researcher NTUU "KPI", in 2007-2016 six times was the winner of the contest "Lecturer Researcher NTUU "KPI", in 2015 he was recognized

At the meeting of the Academic Council: 02.11.2015

Then were awarded honorary diplomas O.F.Luhovskoho, M.I.Prokof'yeva presentation and thank the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and S.V.Voytku S.A.Naydi. Confers honorary distinctions M. Zgurovsky.

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