Tymoshenko Stepan Prokopovych is a professor, academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (11.14.1918), dean of the mechanical and engineer construction faculty of Kiev polytechnic institute (1909-1911), head of the faculty of the materials strength in Kiev polytechnic institute (1906-1908), foreign member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1964. Corr. m. 1928). He also is a member of the academies of science, scientific organizations; honorary doctor of the most prominent universities around the world. He was awarded with the most prestigious registered medals for achievements in science and technology. Timoshenko is a member of several international conventions on applied and theoretical mechanics. In 1901 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Railways. In 1906 he defended his thesis. In 1906-1911, 1918-1920 he worked as a professor of strength of materials in Kiev polytechnic institute, In 1912-1917 he became a professor of polytechnic institute of electrical engineering and institute of railway engineers in St. Petersburg.
In 1918 he received the offer to participate in the organization of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. At the same time, the Council of Kiev polytechnic institute informed him about the reinstatement as a professor. In Vernadsky Commission in the field of law development on the establishment of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Tymoshenko aimed to develop organizational forms that provide extensive interaction of academic science and engineering. In his opinion, the Academy of Sciences should help to ensure greater use of scientific methods by experts and awareness of unexplored practical issues by lecturers. The use of the latest technology advances in scientific experiments is also very important. The ideas expressed by Tymoshenko were very progressive. Further experience of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, where technical subjects were for the first time included in the number of academic sciences, confirmed the effectiveness of new forms of interaction between scientists, designers, engineers and manufacturers.
In 1919-1920 - the first director of the Institute of engineering mechanics (now the Institute of mechanics n.a. S.P.Tymoshenka). In 1920 he emigrated to Yugoslavia: 1920-1921 - a professor in Zagreb Polytechnic Institute. In 1922 he moved to Philadelphia (USA). From 1923 to 1927 –a research consultant of "Westinghaus." He organized the section of mechanics in the American Society of mechanical engineers (1927). In 1927-1936 – worked as a professor of the University of Michigan, 1936-1943 – a head of mechanics department, 1943-1960 – a professor of mechanics at Stanford University (California). From 1960 to 1972 he lived in West Germany (Wuppertal, Germany).
The main directions of the research – basic and further developments of top problems at mechanics of solids: strength, stability and vibrations of mechanical systems, structural mechanics and theory of structure. His scientific work became the basis of many areas of mechanics. He contributed into the development of applied elasticity theory, the theory of elastic stability, shell and plate systems, including reinforced ribs. The research on bending, torsion, vibration and strike of modern engineering designs was also important. He solved the problem of tension concentration near the holes, the strength of the iron rails. With regard to the latest achievements of science and technology, he carried out a fundamental research on strength of materials, applied elasticity theory and the theory of vibrations that were ahead of their time and found a full practical use in the creation of modern aerospace technology, engineering and shipbuilding facilities. Along with the exact solution of current problems in the theory of stability of thin-walled alkaline systems he uses a general method, commonly known as energy method or as a method of Timoshenko.
Basic domestic scientific papers: "The course of materials resistance" 1911-1931, 11 books), "The course of elasticity theory " (1909), "Applied theory of elasticity"(1930), "Stability of elastic systems" (1946, 1955),"Stability of rods, plates and shells"(1970),"Theory of vibration in engineering" (1931-1934)," "Plates and shells" (1948-1963).